en Inglés
Table of Contents
1 Definitions 5
2 General Provisions 8
2.1 Scope and application 8
2.2 Interpretation 8
2.3 Governance 8
2.4 Printing of the Rules 9
2.5 Amendments to the Rules 9
3 World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions 10
3.1 Competition levels 10
3.2 Competition cycle 10
3.3 Competition requirements 11
3.4 Competition management 11
3.5 Competition entries 12
3.6 Recognition of results 12
3.7 Advertising and displays during Competitions 12
3.8 Anti-gambling requirements 12
4 Eligibility &, Classification 13
4.1 Eligibility requirements — IPC Games 13
4.2 Eligibility requirements — IPC Competitions and World
Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions
4.3 Qualification requirements 13
4.4 Gender 13
4.5 Classification 14
5 Anti-Doping 14
5.1 Anti-Doping requirements 14
6 Medical 14
6.1 Medical requirements 14
6.2 Medical responsibilities 15
6.3 Medical withdrawal request 15
6.4 Medical insurance 16
6.5 Medical and safety services at IPC Games, IPC Competitions
and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions 16 6.6 Harassment
6.7 Autonomic dysreflexia 17
6.8 Hypoxic or hyperoxic chambers or tents 17
6.9 Heat 17
6.10 Smoking Ban 17
7 Technology and Equipment 17
7.1 Fundamental principles 17
7.2 Monitoring of the use of technology and equipment 17
7.3 Prohibited technology 18
8 Disciplinary rules 18
8.1 The IPC Code of Ethics and the World Para Powerlifting
Code of Conduct 18
9 Protests & Appeals 19
9.1 Field of play 19
9.2 Anti-doping 19
9.3 Classification 19
10 World Para Powerlifting General Regulations 20
10.1 World Para Powerlifting Events 20
10.2 Add-ons 21
10.3 Hosting Competitions 21
10.4 Technical Officials 22
10.5 Overview of Technical Officials Responsibility
in Competition 23
10.6 The Coach 27
11 Pre-Event Criteria Process 27
11.1 Age Groups 27
11.2 Minimum Qualifying Standards (MOS) 29
11.3 Competition Entries 29
11.4 Cancellations 33
11.5 Viability of the Events 33
11.6 Groups 33
12 Pre-Competition Phases 35
12.1 Lot Number Draw 35
12.2 Technical Meeting 35
12.3 Athletes Personal Costume and Equipment 36
12.4 Kit Check 40
12.5 Weigh-In 42
12.6 Warm Up 43
12.7 Athlete Presentation 43
12.8 Technical Officials Presentation 44
13 World Para Powerlifting Venue Requirements 44
13.1 Venue 44
13.2 Competition Venue 45
14 Equipment Requirements 47
14.1 WPPO Equipment 47
14.2 Components Calibration Tolerance 47
14.3 The Bench 48
14.4 The Bar 48
14.5 The Discs 49
14.6 The Scales 50
14.7 Scoring System 50
14.8 PARIS & PRIS: 52
14.9 Timing and Scoring System CMS) 52
15.1 Para Powerlifting Bench Press - Sequence of Events 56
15.2 Lift decision 58
15.3 WPPO Bad Lift Execution in Four Sequences: 59
16.1 The Competition 61
16.2 The Round System 62
16.3 Technical Challenge 65
16.4 Errors in Loading or Announcing 66
16.5 Records 67
16.6 Results 71
16.7 Medal Awards 73
16.8 Rankings 74
List of Appendices
Appendix 1 — WPPO 2017-2020 Qualification Pathway
Appendix 2 — WPPO Competition Hosting Requirements
Appendix 3 — WPPO Table of Requirements and Competition Designation
Appendix 4 — WPPO Loading Chart
Appendix 5 — WPPO Technical Officials Handbook
Appendix 6 — WPPO Uniform Guidelines
Appendix 7 — WPPO MQS Table
Appendix 8 — WPPO Event Manual
Appendix 9 — WPPO Speaker Announcer Script
Appendix 10 — WPPO Equipment Requirements
1 Definitions
AH: AH (Haleczko) Formula.
Classification: grouping athletes into Sport Classes (as defined in the IPC Athlete Classification Code) according to how much their impairment affects fundamental activities in each specific sport or discipline. This is also referred to as "Athlete Classification".
Competition Medical Director: the person appointed by the LOC for an IPC Competition and/or a World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competition who is responsible to implement the World Para Powerlifting 'Scope of Event Medical Services'.
Competition Rules: the World Para Powerlifting Competition Rules set out in Part C of these Rules.
FOP: Field of Play.
International Federation: a sport federation recognized by the IPC as the sole world-wide representative of a sport for athletes with an impairment that has been granted the status as a Para sport by the IPC. The IPC and IOSD act as an International Federation for certain Para sports.
IOC: the International Olympic Committee.
IPC: the International Paralympic Committee.
IPC Competitions: World Para Powerlifting World Championships and World Para Powerlifting Regional Championships.
IPC Games: the Paralympic Games and the Parapan American Games.
IOSD: International Organization of Sport for the Disabled, an independent organization recognized by the IPC as the sole worldwide representative for a specific impairment group to the IPC.
ITO: International Technical Official.
LOC: Local Organizing Committee — an organization appointed to organize a World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competition.
LOC Chief Medical Doctor: the medical doctor appointed by the LOC for an IPC Competition and/or World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competition.
MQS: Minimum Qualifying Standard.
National Federation: the national member of an International Federation.
NPC: National Paralympic Committee, the national member of the IPC who is the sole representative of athletes with an impairment in that country or territory. These are the national members of the IPC.
OC: Organizing Committee.
OVR: On Venue Results.
Para sport: a sport governed by the IPC Athlete Classification Code and recognized as a Para sport by the IPC.
PARIS: Para Sports Results and Information Services.
Power COMS: Para Powerlifting Competition and Operations Management System.
PRIS: Paralympic Results and Information Services.
RTDS: Real-Time Display System.
SDMS: IPC Sport Data Management System.
T&S: Timing and Scoring System.
Referee: the people appointed to adjudicate World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions.
Regulations: the World Para Powerlifting Regulations set out in Part B of these Rules.
Rules: the World Para Powerlifting Rules and Regulations comprised of the General Provisions, the World Para Powerlifting Regulations and the World Para Powerlifting Competition Rules.
Sport Class: a category for competition defined by World Para Powerlifting by reference to the extent to which an athlete can perform the specific tasks and activities required by a Para sport.
Sport Class Status: a designation applied to a Sport Class to indicate the extent to which an athlete may be required to undertake athlete evaluation and/or be subject to a classification protest.
WADC: the World Anti-Doping Code.
WPPO: World Para Powerlifting.
WPPO Sport Technical Committee: the committee appointed by the IPC in accordance with the IPC Handbook (located on the IPC website).
World Para Powerlifting Approved Competitions: international and national endorsed competitions for the sport of Para powerlifting that have been approved by World Para Powerlifting.
World Para Powerlifting Athlete License: a license issued by the IPC in accordance with the IPC Athlete Licensing Programme to enable athletes to compete in IPC Games, IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions.
World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions: IPC Games, IPC Competitions, World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Approved Competitions.
World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions: World Para Powerlifting World Cups and other World Para Powerlifting international competitions determined by World Para Powerlifting.
World Para Powerlifting Technical Delegate: a person appointed by World Para Powerlifting to consistently monitor and oversee an IPC Competition or World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competition in liaison with the LOC Competition Manager, Technical Delegate Assistant and World Para Powerlifting to ensure that all technical operations are conducted in accordance with these Rules.
2 General Provisions
2.1 Scope and application
2.1.1 These World Para Powerlifting Rules and Regulations comprise the World Para Powerlifting Regulations (Regulations) and the World Para Powerlifting Competition Rules (Competition Rules) (together referred to as 'these Rules').
2.1.2 These Rules are mandatory for all World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions.
2.1.3 All participants (including, but not limited to, athletes and support personnel, coaches, trainers, managers, interpreters, team staff, officials, medical or paramedical personnel) of any World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions agree to be bound by these Rules as a condition of such participation.
2.1.4 The World Para Powerlifting Classification Rules and Regulations are an integral part of these Rules and are located on the World Para Powerlifting website.
2.1.5 The IPC Handbook is an integral part of the governance of the sport of Para powerlifting.
2.1.6 Any matter not addressed in these Rules shall be determined by the IPC, in its sole discretion.
2.1.7 These Rules will be effective from 01 January 2018.
2.2 Interpretation
2.2.1 References to a 'Regulation' mean a Regulation referred to in Part B of these Rules, references to a 'Rule' mean a Rule referred to in Part C of these Rules, references to an 'Appendix' means an Appendix to these Rules, and capitalized terms used in these Rules have the meaning given to them in the Definitions section of these Rules.
2.2.2 Any comments annotating various provisions of these Rules shall be used to interpret these Rules.
2.2.3 Headings used in these Rules are used for convenience only and have no meaning that is separate from the Regulation(s) or Rule(s) to which they refer.
2.2.4 All references to the words "he", "his" or "him" in these Rules also mean the words "she", "hers" or "her".
2.3 Governance
2.3.1 The IPC acts as the International Federation for and governs the sport of Para powerlifting. It carries out these responsibilities under the name "World Para Powerlifting" and the term "World Para Powerlifting" must be read in these Rules as the IPC and vice versa.
2.4 Printing of the Rules
2.4.1 These Rules are the copyright property of the IPC and have been published for the benefit of NPCs, athletes, officials and others who are engaged in an official capacity with World Para Powerlifting. These Rules may be reprinted or translated by any organization with a legitimate need to do so, subject to IPC's continuing ability to assert its copyright in the Rules, including the right to insist on an assignment to the IPC of the copyright in any translated version of these Rules. Any other organization must obtain the permission of the IPC prior to reprinting, translating or publishing these Rules.
2.4.2 The English version of these Rules shall be accepted as the authoritative version for the purpose of interpretation.
2.5 Amendments to the Rules
2.5.1 After the conclusion of each Paralympic Games, the IPC shall undertake a review of these Rules, in consultation with NPCs and any relevant 10SDs, in accordance with the IPC Handbook (located on the IPC website). All amendments shall be implemented prior to the start of the second season following the relevant Paralympic Games.
2.5.2 These Rules also may be amended at any time by the IPC as a result, for example, of changes in Classification related matters or where World Para Powerlifting otherwise considers it necessary to do so.
3 World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions
3.1 Competition levels
3.1.1 World Para Powerlifting categorizes competitions based on their scale, size, and nature to determine the applicable requirements at each competition.
3.1.2 World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competition levels are as follows:
3.2 Competition cycle
3.2.1 Unless otherwise determined by the IPC, the cycle for IPC Games, IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions is as follows:
3.3 Competition requirements
3.3.1 The organizational requirements and competition fees for each level of World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions (excluding IPC Games) are outlined in the Competition Ftules.
3.4 Competition management
3.4.1 The IPC shall manage all IPC Games.
3.4.2 World Para Powerlifting shall have the right to manage all IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions. It also shall have the right to oversee all World Para Powerlifting Approved Competitions. The words World, Regional and World Para Powerlifting may not be used in connection with any Para Powerlifting event without the prior written consent of World Para Powerlifting. In addition, the IPC is the owner of all rights of whatever kind or nature in respect of the terms "Paralympics" and "Paralympic", the term "Para Powerlifting" when associated with sport or any IPC activities, the IPC motto, flag and anthem, the Paralympic Symbol (three Agitos design) a. a, other trademarks, logos and other indicia used or intend. to be used in the context of the Paralympic Movement.
3.4.3 World Para Powerlifting shall enforce these Rules for all World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions. World Para Powerlifting shall have jurisdiction over all matters not assigned by the Rules to another person or entity (such as an official or LOC).
3.4.4 The events, programme of events and competition format for all World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions are outlined in the Competition Rules.
3.5 Competition entries
3.5.1 All entries to participate in IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions must be in accordance with these Rules and the Competition Rules.
3.5.2 The entry criteria and MQS for the IPC Games shall be defined in the qualification criteria outlined on the IPC website. The 2017-2020 WPPO qualification pathway found in Appendix 1 outlines the World Para Powerlifting Recognized. Competitions athletes must attend in order to be considered eligible to qualify for the Paralympic Games.
3.5.3 The entry criteria a. MQS for each IPC Competition and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competition shall be defined in the Competition Rules and on the World Para Powerlifting Website.
3.6 Recognition of results
3.6.1 World Para Powerlifting accepts results achieved at World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions by eligible athletes (in accordance with Regulation 4) solely for the following purposes: World Para Powerlifting rankings; World Para Powerlifting records; Allocation of qualification slots for IPC Games, IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions; and/or Achieving qualification standards for entry into IPC Games, IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions.
3.7 Advertising and displays during Competitions
3.7.1 The IPC determines the advertising requirements at IPC Games.
3.7.2 The World Para Powerlifting Uniform and Equipment Advertising Regulations (located on the World Para Powerlifting website) outline the advertising permitted by World Para Powerlifting at IPC Competitions. During all other World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions (except IPC Games), the IPC and, with the approval of the IPC the relevant LOC, shall adopt the applicable advertising requirements.
3.8 Anti-gambling requirements
3.8.1 The IPC may adopt anti-gambling regulations, policies, codes and/or requirements from time to time, which will be binding on all participants of World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions.
4 Eligibility & Classification
4.1 Eligibility requirements — IPC Games
4.1.1 The IPC determines the eligibility requirements for IPC Games.
4.2 Eligibility requirements — IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions
4.2.1 To meet the eligibility requirements to participate in IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions an athlete must: Hold a valid IPC Athlete License issued in accordance with the IPC Athlete Registration and Licensing Programme (located on the World Para Powerlifting website); Be internationally classified and have been assigned a Sport Class (other than Not Eligible (NE)) in accordance with the World Para Powerlifting Classification Rules and Regulations; Be entered by their NF'C (or National Federation if such responsibility has been delegated by the NPC), the NPC being a member in good standing of the IPC: Satisfy the nationality requirements of the IPC Athlete Nationality Policy (located on the IPC website at), Be the minimum age to participate in the relevant competition in accordance with the Competition Rules; and Not be disqualified, suspended or otherwise sanctioned.
4.3 Qualification requirements
4.3.1 In addition to the eligibility requirements outlined above, in order to compete in World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions an athlete must also meet the qualification standards, qualification criteria and any sport entry rules applicable to the relevant World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competition.
4.4 Gender
4.4.1 Subject to Regulation 4.4.3, below, an athlete shall be eligible to compete in men's competition if he is: Recognized as male in law; and Eligible to compete under these Rules.
4.4.2 Subject to Regulation 4.4.3, below, an athlete shall be eligible to compete in women's competition if she is: Recognized as female in law; and Eligible to compete under these Rules.
4.4.3 World Para Powerlifting will deal with any cases involving transgender athletes in accordance with the 10C's transgender guidelines (as amended by the IOC from time to time) and any applicable World Para Powerlifting regulations.
4.4.4 The eligibility of persons recognized as third gender a law will be determined by the IPC on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with any applicable World Para Powerlifting regulations.
4.5 Classification
4.5.1 World Para Powerlifting shall determine the World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions where international Classification will be offered. At such competitions, Classification will be conducted prior to the start of each competition in accordance with the World Para Powerlifting Classification Rules and Regulations.
4.5.2 An athlete who has not been assessed by a World Para Powerlifting Classification Panel will not meet the eligibility criteria (set out in this Regulation 4) to compete in IPC Games, IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions.
5 Anti-Doping
5.1 Anti-Doping requirements
5.1.1 The IPC Anti-Doping Code (located on the IPC website at) applies to all IPC Games, IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions.
5.1.2 World Para Powerlifting Approved Competitions must be conducted in accordance with the anti-doping rules of the relevant governing body and the WADC International Standards. Random in-competition anti-doping testing (urine only or urine and blood) is also recommended at such competitions but mandatory for world record performances at the competition to be recognized by World Para Powerlifting.
6 Medical
6.1 Medical requirements
6.1.1 The IPC Medical Code (located on the IPC website at) applies to all IPC Games, IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions.
6.1.2 The medical and safety rules of the relevant governing body apply to World Para Powerlifting Approved Competitions.
6.2 Medical responsibilities
6.2.1 In accordance with the IPC Medical Code, all athletes who compete in IPC Games, IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions are responsible for their own physical and mental health and for their own medical supervision.
6.2.2 By entering in an IPC Game, IPC Competition or an World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competition, an athlete releases the IPC and World Para Powerlifting from any liability to the extent permitted by law for any loss, injury or damage that he or she may suffer in relation to, or as a result of, his or her participation in Classification, at the relevant competition.
6.2.3 Notwithstanding the above Regulations 6.2.1 and 6.2.2, NPCs shall use best efforts to ensure the physical and mental health of all athletes under their jurisdiction prior to their participation in IPC Games, IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions.
6.2.4 Every NPC is responsible to ensure that appropriate and continuous medical monitoring of its' athletes is undertaken. It is further recommended that NPCs organize for a periodic health evaluation of each athlete that it enters in an IPC Game, IPC Competition or World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competition and that NPCs appoint a team physician to attend all such competitions.
6.2.5 The World Para Powerlifting Technical Delegate will be entitled to prevent any athlete from competing where in his opinion it would be dangerous for the athlete to compete, including where the safety of other athletes, officials, spectators and/or the competition itself is put at risk.
6.2.6 At all times, the overriding priority must be to safeguard the health and safety of athletes, officials and spectators. The outcome of the relevant competition must never influence such decisions.
6.3 Medical withdrawal request
6.3.1 At all IPC Games, IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions the official World Para Powerlifting Medical Withdrawal Request Form (located on the World Para Powerlifting website, must be submitted to the World Para Powerlifting office in order to officially request the withdrawal of an athlete from the relevant competition after submission of the final entry nurnbers.
6.3.2 The Medical Withdrawal Request Form must be signed by the team physician of the athlete. In the event there is no team physician, if the team has an agreement to use the physician of another team that physician may sign the form. Alternatively, the LOC Chief Medical Doctor may do so.
6.3.3 All sections of the Medical Withdrawal Request Form must be completed.
6.3.4 All Medical Withdrawal Request Forms must submitted at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the relevant event of the competition. If this is not possible (for example due to the onset of an acute injury or illness within the thirty (30) minutes prior to the relevant event) an explanation must be provided in the Medical Withdrawal Request Form.
6.3.5 A representative of the IPC Medical Committee, or such other person determined by the IPC/World Para Powerlifting, shall determine whether a Medical Withdrawal Request is accepted. This decision is final with no opportunity to protest or appeal.
6.4 Medical insurance
6.4.1 NPCs are responsible to ensure suitable medical provision and medical insurance coverage for their respective delegations for World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions and (subject to Regulation
6.4.2 It shall be the responsibility of the LOC in each case to ensure on-site medical, emergency ambulance, first aid services and medical insurance coverage is provided at all IPC Games, IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions. The IPC Medical Committee shall issue and keep updated practical guidelines to assist LOCs in providing adequate medical services and taking appropriate safety measures at such competitions.
6.5 Medical and safety services at IPC Games, IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions
6.5.1 The LOC shall be responsible for implementing the medical and safety services for IPC Games in accordance with the relevant host agreement.
6.5.2 LOCs shall be responsible for implementing the medical and safety services at IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions in accordance with the Scope of Event Medical Services for IPC Athletes (that forms part of the host agreement between the IPC and the LOC).
6.5.3 A Competition Medical Director shall be appointed by the LOC for each IPC Competition and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competition to prepare and co-ordinate the medical services and safety requirements during the relevant competition. The IPC Medical and Scientific Director shall be the liaison person between World Para Powerlifting and the Competition Medical Director for all medical and safety-related matters. The IPC Medical and Scientific Director may delegate specific responsibilities to such person or persons at his discretion.
6.5.4 At all IPC Competitions and any other competitions determined by World Para Powerlifting, World Para Powerlifting shall be responsible to ensure a medical representative to monitor implementation of these and any other competition, specific medical and safety rules.
6.6 Harassment
The dignity of every individual must be respected. All forms of abuse and/or harassment are prohibited. The IPC Code of Ethics and the IPC Policy on Non-accidental Violence and Abuse (located on the IPC website) applies to all World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions.
6.7 Autonomic dysreflexia
The IPC Policy on Autonomic Dysreflexia (located on the IPC website) applies to all World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions.
6.8 Hypoxic or hypoxic chambers or tents
The use of hypoxic or hypoxic chambers or tents is prohibited at all World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions.
6.9 Heat
The IPC Heat Policy (located on the IPC website) applies to all World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions.
6.10 Smoking Ban Smoking is prohibited during competition at all venues of World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions.
7 Technology and Equipment
7.1 Fundamental principles
7.1.1 The IPC Policy on Sport Equipment (located on the IPC website) applies to all World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions. The principles outlined in this policy apply in particular (but not exclusively) in relation to the development of sports specific prosthetic devices.
7.2 Monitoring of the use of technology and equipment
7.2.1 The World Para Powerlifting Technical Delegate, or his designee, will monitor the use of technology and equipment at World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions to ensure that it conforms to the principles outlined in the IPC Policy on Sport Equipment. This may include, but will not be limited to, the assessment of: Whether or not equipment and/or prosthetic components are commercially available to all athletes (prototypes that are purpose built by manufactures exclusively for the use of a specific athlete shall not be permitted); and/or Whether equipment contains materials or devices that store, generate or deliver energy and/or are design. to provide function to enhance performance beyond the natural physical capacity of an athlete.
7.3 Prohibit. Technology
7.3.1 Use of the following technology is prohibited at World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions: Equipment that breaches the fundamental principles outlined in the IPC Policy on Sport Equipment; Equipment that results in athletic performance being generated by machines, engines, electronics, motors, robotic mechanisms or the like; and osteo-integrated prosthesis.
7.3.2 At any IF'C Games, IPC Competition or World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competition the World Para Powerlifting Technical Delegate shall be entitled to prohibit the use of any equipment prohibited by these Regulations. In every case of a suspected breach the World Para Powerlifting Technical Delegate must report the matter to World Para Powerlifting. Upon receiving such a report World Para Powerlifting must refer the matter to the IPC Medical and Scientific Director. Any further investigation and/or action will be determined by the IPC on a case by case basis.
7.3.3 World Para Powerlifting shall be entitled to prohibit the use of equipment either permanently or on a temporary basis (to allow for further investigation) where it considers, acting reasonably, that any of the fundamental principles of equipment design and availability are breached.
8 Disciplinary rules
8.1 The IPC Code of Ethics and the World Para Powerlifting Code of Conduct
8.1.1 The IPC Code of Ethics and the World Para Powerlifting Code of Conduct (located on the IPC website) shall apply to all participants of World para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions.
8.1.2 Any breach of these Regulations shall be determined in accordance with the procedures outlined in the World Para Powerlifting Code of Conduct.
9 Protests & Appeals
9.1 Field of play
9.1.1 Protests relating to the field of play shall be determined in accordance with the Competition Rules.
9.2 Anti-doping
9.2.1 All anti-doping rule violations, including any appeals regarding such violations, shall be determined in accordance with the IPC Anti-Doping Code.
9.3 Classification
9.3.1 Protests and appeals relating to Classification shall be determined in accordance with the World Para Powerlifting Classification Rules and Regulations.
10 World Para Powerlifting General Regulations
10.1 World Para Powerlifting Events
10.1.1 The sport of Para powerlifting is open to male and female junior and senior athletes with eight (8) eligible physical Impairments who compete in one (1) Sport Class (as defined in the World Para Powerlifting Classification Rules and Regulations), but in ten (10) different weight categories (events) per gender individual and team.
10.1.2 Bodyweight Categories – Women
Bodyweight Categories - Men
10.2 Add-ons
10.2.1 Additions to the athletes bod, eight will be made for amputees only, as follows:
10.2.2 All five (5) types of amputation must be verified by an international classifier during Classification and recorded in the athlete's record of achievement book.
10.3 Hosting Competitions
10.3.1 For an overview of the hosting requirements and application process for competitions, refer to Appendix 2.
10.3.2 To apply to host a World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competition, the LOC must submit the relevant application form by the applicable deadlines outlined below:
10.4 Technical Officials
10.4.1 All WPPO Recognized Competitions are required to have WPPO qualified technical officials and classifiers in attendance to oversee all technical and classification matters to ensure that the competition is run in accordance with these Rules..
10.4.2 The number of WPPO officials appointed to each WPPO Recognized Competition will be in accordance with the table of requirements and competition designation as outlined in Appendix 3.
10.4.3 At all WPPO Recognized Competitions WPPO international and national officials will be appointed by WPPO in consultation with the WPPO Sport Technical Committee, to fulfil the following roles:
10.4.4 Travel (home to home), accommodation (full board), vi. Costs and per-diem of all World Para Powerlifting Level 1 and 2 international technical officials appointed by World Para Powerlifting shall be covered by the organizers of the competition in accordance with the WPPO Technical Requirements.
10.4.5 Travel (home to home), accommodation (full board) and per-diem of each World Para Powerlifting Level 3 national technical officials from the host nation shall be covered by the organizers of the competition in accordance with the WPPO Technical Requirements.
10.4.6 The appointment and payment of suitable Spotter Loaders (technical paid staff) will be the responsibility of the respective LOC.
10.5 Overview of Technical Officials Responsibility in Competition
Technical Delegate
✓ Consistently monitor and oversee the competition in liaison with the LOC Competition Manager, Technical Delegate Assistant (MA) and WPPO management to ensure that all technical operations are applied in accordance to these Rules throughout the entire Competition.
Technical Delegate Assistant
✓ To assist and provide support to the TD on all administrative and technical matters relating with the competition.
✓ In the absence of the TD, the TDA will assume the position and all roles and responsibilities of the TD.
Competition Secretary
✓ When a TD or TDA is not appointed (WPPO Approved Competitions), then the CS will assume the position and all roles and responsibilities of the TD.
President of Jury
✓ Is in charge of applying all rules and regulations for the full duration of that respective competition session that they are appointed for.
✓ Responsible with the Technical Controller to carry out the kit check.
✓ Responsible to evaluate each lift during the competition.
✓ Responsible to evaluate each lift during the competition.
✓ The Jury can never change the collective decision of the three (31 Referees except in the case that a technical challenge against the Referee decision is lodged.
✓ During the competition the Jury will be seated together near the field of play in such a position to ensure a totally unimpeded view of the competition.
Adjudicate the competition:
Chief Referee:
✓ Always seated a minimum of lm behind top of the (4x4m) lifting area/platform, the CFt is there to adjudicate all lifts for that respective session.
✓ Ensures that the all actions that occur upon the field of play are in line with these Rules.
✓ Responsible to check that the rack height and loading of the bar is as requested.
✓ Delivers a loud and clear audible and visual start and rack command.
Side Referees.
✓ The RR and LR are always seated in opposite corners a minimum of 1.5 m away from the base of the (4x4m) lifting area/platform. They are responsible for checking the starting position of the athlete on the bench and then must adjudicate all lifts for that respective session.
Assist with the efficient running order of the competition:
✓ Is the only Referee responsible to accept, check and verify (sign) all the new and changed attempts registered by the athlete or coach.
✓ Inform the PJ if the athlete, coach or team leader would like to make a technical challenge.
✓ Contact the PJ for approval if an athlete has requested a fourth attempt.
Card Controller:
To arrange the attempt cards given by the Marshall, dictated first by weight, and then when a given weight requested is the same it should be ordered by lowest lot draw number.
✓ Present appropriately ordered attempt cards to the data entry or speaker/announcer, one by one.
Technical Announcer.
✓ Is fully responsible for all technical announcements and is essential for ensuring the overall efficient running order of the competition.
Announce due notice of any weight change deadlines.
✓ When the bar is loaded the speaker announcer will immediately and clearly announce in the following order:
a) Loaders, please load
b) “To kgs"
c) Rack height ___
(Chief Referee will inform the speaker announcer when the bar is loaded....)
c) Thank vou. The bar is loaded k for the (1st. 2nd.
3rd) attempt"
d) "From. (Country name)", (Athlete full name). 2 minute countdown on clock begins — 3 minutes if an athlete follows themselves)
e) Athlete to follow (Athlete name, country) For the full Technical Announcer script, please refer to Appendix 9.
Time Keeper:
✓ Is .fully responsible to accurately record the time an athlete is allocated for starting the attempt after being called to the platform.
✓ Must start the clock only after the athletes' full name is announced.
✓ Informs the TA to give the audible signal when the athlete has one (1) minute remaining.
✓ Must stop and reset the clock as soon as the 'start' command and signal is given by the CR.
Manual Results Controller:
✓ Responsible to manually record all the results for that session.
Technical Classifier:
A WPPO classifier that remains for the duration of the competition to support the technical officials by reviewing each athlete passport in the kit check to ensure that all classification remarks are representative of the outcome of their athlete evaluation. The classifier must then accurately communicate to all Referees and Jury members prior to the start of that session to help ensure that each lift is adjudicated taking into account all activity limitations for each individual athlete's impairment.
Technical Controller:
✓ Responsible with the PJ to carry out the kit check.
✓ Manages the flow of athletes and coaches from the warm up room to the FOP and back to assist the running order of the competition.
✓ Responsible to control the athlete and coach access onto the FOP for each attempt, only once the athlete's full name has been called by the TA.
✓ Responsible to check that prior to entering the FOP all athletes are using only the uniform and equipment approved during the kit check.
✓ Ensures athletes are suitably informed and ready in a timely manner for both the athlete's presentation and victory
✓ Responsible, when required, to assist the control of access into the weigh-in room.
Technical Controller 1 8, 2:
✓ Responsible to control the access of all accredited persons into the warm up area.
✓ Responsible to control the flow of the athlete or coach to the Marshall table.
✓ Responsible, when required, to assist the control of access into the weigh-in room.
Responsible to assist the CR in the smooth, efficient and orderly running of the competition by setting the rack height, loading the bar and keeping all the equipment and platform, clean, tidy and safe:
Chief Spotter/Loader:
✓ Responsible to follow the direction and guidance of the CR.
✓ Give general guidance and direction to the side spotters to ensure the bar is correctly and efficiently loaded and unloaded.
✓ The lift out should be a positive and firm lift out and over across the chest line of the athlete (always following any guidance offered by the athlete or their coach). Once the athlete gives any positive indication of having control of the bar it should be released in a positive but very controlled manner into the extended arms of the athlete, and then the Chief Spotter should stand back and away to the side as quickly as possible so that the CR can see and command the athlete to 'start'.
Spotter Loaders
Side Spotter/Loaders:
✓ Responsible to always be in attendance and alert to the side of the bar during every attempt. Both hands must remain interlocked together and no more than 10cm underneath but never touching the end of the bar, (sleeves or collars) throughout the lift until commanded to do so.
✓ Must follow the movement of the bar (shadowing the move) down and back up again being in total readiness to relieve the athlete of the bar in case of a lack of control or failed attempt or where requested to take the bar by either the athlete or following the command from the Chief Referee to 'rack'.
✓ Can assist the athlete to take the bar out of the racks at the beginning of the lift, but only if requested by the lifter or his coach.
The bar must be loaded in accordance with the WPPO loading chart in Appendix 4.
10.5.1 For full details on the technical officials roles and responsibilities for each level of WPPO
Recognized Competition, refer to the WPPO Technical Officials Handbook in Appendix 5.
10.5.2 Licensed WPPO technical officials that have any other active role or any involvement with a competing NPC/NF (e.g. coach, NPC/NF delegate or athlete) will not and must not be selected for any WPPO officiating duties in that competition.
10.5.3 All technical officials must always be appropriately dressed in clean and tidy uniform when on competition duty. Further details regarding the technical officials' uniform dress code is available in the WPPO Technical Officials Handbook in Appendix 5.
10.6 The Coach
10.6.1 The coach plays a pivotal role for the athlete especially where the athletes' welfare. Health and safety is concerned. The NPC and or NF of any coach operating at a WPPO Recognized Competition has the full responsibility to ensure he has the necessary qualifications and insurance to fulfil the role effectively and safely.
10.6.2 The coach must always wear appropriate clean and tidy clothing, this should include track suit bottoms never shorts, and suitable footwear (closed toe shoes). Any advertising that features upon this uniform must be compliant with the World Para Powerlifting Uniform Advertising Guidelines available in Appendix 6.
11 Pre-Event Criteria Process
11.1 Age Groups
11.1.1 Two (2) men and women age groups (junior and senior) are recognized in all World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions with the exception of the Paralympic Games where only one (1) combined age group is recognized. Junior:
• To meet the eligibility requirements to participate in WPPO Recognized Competitions as a junior, the minimum age is 15 years of age by 31 December of the year of the competition, and no older than 20 years of age by 31 December of the year of the competition. Senior:
• To meet the eligibility requirements to participate in WPPO Recognized Competitions as a senior, an athlete must be 21 years of age (or older) by 31 December of the year of the respective competition.
11.2 Minimum Qualifying Standards (MQS)
11.2.1 MQS are set to promote a high standard of competition. The MQS will be defined by WPPO for IPC Competitions and WPPO Sanctioned Competitions and published in the relevant competition information package and or qualification guide.
11.2.2 The MQS will be constantly reviewed and can be adjusted up or down at any time in the best interest and advancement of the sport, at the discretion of WPPO. To view the full WPPO MQS table refer to Appendix 7.
11.3 Competition Entries
11.3.1 All athletes must be entered by their respective NPCs or otherwise authorized organization and accepted by WPPO to participate in any WPPO Recognized Competition.
11.3.2 All entries from NPCs/NFs must be received by the deadlines as set out in the competition information package. Close of entries is midnight CET on the date given.
11.3.3 Entry by Number must include: Total number of athletes by gender and bodyweight category, and total number of team officials participating.
11.3.4 Final Entry by Name must include: Full details of all registered and licensed athletes for the respective competition season via SDMS entered in the competition. Confirmation of all individual bodyweight categories, with names of all competing athletes is considered final. Following the submission of the final entry by name, athletes will have one opportunity to change bodyweight categories in the technical meeting as detailed in the entry changes section. Confirmation (name and details) of all team officials participating at the competition. All competition details and documents (as applicable) including accommodation, transport, visa and accreditation.
11.3.5 Maximum entries per NPC At all WPPO Recognized Senior Competitions (except the Paralympic Games and Regional Para Games, which will be in accordance with the respective published qualification criteria) the maximum number of entries per NPC across all senior bodyweight categories will be:
• Female Athletes: Twenty (20)
• Male Athletes: Twenty (20) There must not be more than two (2) senior athletes from any one country in the same bodyweight category with the exception of NPCs that wish to enter the senior team events (provided this is viable by the final entry deadline). Such NPCs will be permitted to enter one (1) additional senior athlete per each bodyweight category. NPCs that wish to enter a senior team event by registering three (3) athletes into one bodyweight category, must notify WPPO by the final entry deadline the names A the two (2) athletes that are entered in the individual event and are eligible to win a medal. The third athlete entered to form the team will have their individual result recognized for ranking purposes, but they will not receive an individual rank and or be eligible to win an individual medal. At all World Para Powerlifting Recognized Junior Competitions (except the Youth Para Games which will be in accordance with the respective published qualification criteria) the maximum number of entries per NPC across all junior bodyweight categories will be:
• Female Athletes: thirty (30)
• Male Athletes: thirty (30) There must not be more than three (3) Junior athletes from any one country in any particular bodyweight category. At all World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions (except the Paralympic Games, Youth Para Games and 'Regional Para Games, which will be in accordance with the respective published qualification criteria) the maximum number of entries for the competition host NPC in all senior and junior bodyweight categories will be:
• Senior Female Athletes: Thirty (30)
• Junior Female Athlete: Thirty (30)
• Senior Male Athletes: Thirty (30)
• Junior Male Athletes: Thirty (30) There must not be more than three (3) junior and three (3) senior athletes from any host NPC in the same bodyweight category.
11.3.6 Team Event At WPPO World Cups, WPPO Regional Championships and WPPO Championships team events will be viable within each one of the twenty (20) individual senior bodyweight categories. A team must consist of three (3) competing athletes from the same nation within that individual bodyweight category in that competition. There must be a minimum of two (2) viable teams entered within that individual bodyweight category. Team events only exist in senior bodyweight categories but the team may comprise of both senior and junior athletes if such athletes compete in the same bodyweight category at the same time.
11.3.7 Mixed Team Events Only 0 IPC Competitions will one (1) mixed team event b viable under the following conditions: There must be a minimum of two (2) competing teams, both of which may be from the same nation. Teams must consist of three (3) athletes from the same nation, and there must be a minimum of one (1) female athlete. Each of the three (3) athletes that comprise a team may be from different bodyweight categories. Nations are permitted to enter a maximum of three (3) 0ams in a mixed team event. Athletes entered in a mixed team event may also be entered in an individual event, or may be an additional athlete outside the maximum entry per NPC.
11.3.8 Late Entries Late entry requests (submitted after the final entry by name deadline) may be accepted at the complete discretion of the LOC and WPPO if it is deemed that they can be accommodated (i.e. within the competition schedule, sufficient time for processing visas, 01).
11.3.9 Entry changes At all WPPO Recognized Competitions except the Paralympic Games and WPPO World Championships, athletes will have the opportunity to change bodyweight categories during the technical meeting only, either up or down one (1) bodyweight category only from the category nominated at the time of the final entry deadline. If there is a MQS set per bodyweight category for the competition where an athlete wishes to make a bodyweight change then the following rules will apply. If an athlete elects to move down one (1) bodyweight category they will be permitted to do so only if the athlete satisfies either, or both, of the below:
• The athlete has lifted the MQS for the newly elected bodyweight category at a WPPO Recognized Competition in that specific bodyweight category and/or;
• The athlete has lifted the equivalent weight of the MQS for the newly elected bodyweight category whilst competing in a higher bodyweight category at a WPPO Recognized Competition. If an athlete elects to move up one (1) bodyweight category they will only be permitted to do so if the athlete satisfies either, or both, of the below:
• The athlete has lifted the MQS for the newly elected bodyweight category at a WPPO Recognized Competition in that specific bodyweight category and/or;
• The athlete has lifted the equivalent weight of the MQS for the newly elected bodyweight category whilst competing in a lower bodyweight category at a WPPO Recognized Competition. Only one (1) change per athlete is accepted and must be requested during the allocated time in the technical meeting. A penalty fee of one hundred Euro (€100). Will be imposed for each requested change, and must be paid immediately in cash during the technical meeting for the change to be accepted. The new bodyweight category accepted only upon receipt of payment at the technical meeting is considered final, a. no further changes will be allowed. There will be no other opportunity for a change of bodyweight categories and instead the athlete will be disqualified, withdrawn from the competition and recorded in the results as DNS (did not start). At the Paralympic Games and WPPO World Championships the nominated bodyweight category for the allocated slot of each athlete is considered final and no changes are possible.
'The total fund collected annually from teams requesting bodyweight changes will be utilized as part of the WPPO solidarity programme to support developing NPCs to enter athletes into WPPO Recognized Competitions.
11.4 Cancellations The cancellation dates and policies for each competition will be clearly published in each competition information package and must be adhered to at all times.
11.5 Viability of the Events
11.5.1 In all WPPO Recognized Competitions, an event can be considered viable when the below minimum athlete numbers apply per bodyweight category: 1 Athlete: MQS rule when there is one (1) athlete in a single bodyweight category and they lift equal to or more than the respective level MQS for that bodyweight category as published in the competition information package (Gold). 1 -2 Athletes: AH (Haleczko) formula* when the total number of athletes is two (2) or less in more than one (1) bodyweight category, then combined groups can be formed at the discretion of WPPO to consist of at least two (2) or more athletes per group for each gender. The medals will be calculated using the AH Formula (Gold, Silver or Gold, Silver, Bronze), however the result that will be recognized is the athletes best lift. 2 Athletes: Minus one rule (-1) when there are two athletes in a single bodyweight category (Gold) 3 or more Athletes: All medals will be awarded (Gold, Silver, Bronze) .AH formula is automatically applied and adapted for the Commonwealth Games (when total number of athletes is one (1) or more in more than one (1) bodyweight category) as it is has a pre-determined restricted medals programme.
11.5.2 The final viable events for all WPPO Recognized Competitions will be discussed and constructed in consultation with the LOC, TD and WPPO prior to and or after the technical meeting.
11.6 Groups
11.6.1 Athletes can compete within a single bodyweight category or within a combined group as detailed below: Single Bodyweight Category: A designated single bodyweight category per gender, with medals awarded in following formats:
• 3 or more athletes
• Minus one rule (-1)
• MQS rule Combined Grout): Where there can be multiple combined viable bodyweight categories per gender in any one session, with medals awarded in following formats:
• 3 or more athletes
• Minus one rule (-1)
• MQS rule
• AH Formula
11.6.2 In all WPPO Recognized Competitions wherever there are eleven (11) or more athletes competing in a single bodyweight or combined groups then sub groups will be formed with a minimum of five (5) athletes per sub group.
11.6.3 Where sub groups are formed they should be as equal in number as possible, and the order of grouping shall be determined by the starting weight declared at the weigh-in. The athletes with the lowest starting weights will form the first group to lift, with progressively higher starting weights forming subsequent descending alphabetically labelled groups. (Example 26 athletes: Group C = 8 athletes, Group B =8 athletes, Group A =9 athletes).
11.6.4 In very exceptional circumstances, and at the complete discretion of the TD and WPPO, if it is necessary for a group or subgroup to be formed of less than five (5) athletes, then additional recovery time will be calculated as displayed below and added at the end of each competition round.
12 Pre-Competition Phases
12.1 Lot Number Draw
12.1.1 The drawing of lots is a process where athletes are allocated a lot number; in IPC Competitions and WPPO Sanctioned Competitions this will be a random allocation via computer, in WPPO Approved Competitions it can be conducted by the TD, TDA and or CS.
12.1.2 The drawing of lot numbers for all competing athletes must be completed prior to the start of the technical meeting.
12.1.3 The lot number will dictate the following: The order with which athletes attend the kit-check and then weigh in for their weight category, with the lowest lot number going first. The order with which athletes complete their attempt (lift) only in the case that two (2) or more athletes have submitted the same weight for that attempt, with the athlete who has the lowest lot number lifting first.
12.2 Technical Meeting
12.2.1 A technical meeting with the official representatives of each participating country must take place for all WPPO Recognized Competitions a minimum of one (1) day prior to the start of competition.
12.2.2 A maximum of two (2) representatives per participating country are permitted to attend the technical meeting.
12.2.3 The technical meeting will be delivered in English language, and the following matters can be addressed:
• Roll Call by country;
• Final entry verification;
• Bodyweight change requests;
• The Competition Schedule;
• Anti-doping advice;
• Necessary protocols (Ceremonies etc);
• LOC matters (Transport, Meal times etc);
• Any other business/questions.
12.2.4 If bodyweight changes requested during the technical meeting lead to the need to adjust to the final competition schedule, then updates will be made immediately following the close of the technical meeting and all participating countries will be notified of any changes in a timely manner.
12.3 Athletes Personal Costume and Equipment
12.3.1 All athletes must always appear in correct, clean and tidy dress, which must consist of a one-piece lifting suit, t-shirt, socks, shoes and sports bra (if applicable) according with the following specifications.
12.3.2 One piece lifting suit: The suit must only be made from a one-ply, limited stretch material. The material can only consist of a mix of either:
(a) cotton/elastane or;
(b) polyester/elastane;
With up to a maximum of 18% elastane in either case. The suit must not have any additional encased (stitched in) elastic anywhere in the suit, nor any additional patches or padding, and it must not be a weightlifting style suit with any double stitching and/or offer additional support. The lifting suit must be a one-piece lifting suit with shoulder straps and must not have a zipper fastening. The straps must be worn over the shoulders at all times while lifting in competition. The one piece lifting suit can be full length, extending to the ankles and include a stirrup or alternatively can be a short leg version. Where a short leg version is used they must never measure shorter than 10 cm along each inseam, but must always be above the knees and as close fitting to the legs as possible. Any other style of lifting costume or uniform will not be accepted.
12.3.3 T-Shirt: A plain, round neck t-shirt of any colour, or colours, must be worn under the lifting suit at all times. It can be made exclusively of either cotton or polyester, or can also be a mixture of both. No other materials are allowed. It must be a plain t-shirt or it can be the official t-shirt of the WPPO competition that the athlete is competing at. It cannot have any pockets, buttons, zippers, collar or a V-neck. It shall not have sleeves, which finish either below the elbow or up at the deltoid (nor capped sleeves). Athletes are not allowed to push the sleeves of the t-shirt up to the deltoid when competing. It cannot be made of any ribbed material. It cannot consist of any rubberized or similar stretch material. It cannot have any reinforced seams. It must fit loosely enough on the athlete's body to ensure that it does not allow the athlete any physical support.
12.3.4 Shoes: Shoes must be worn in all cases during WPPO recognized competitions. Where there are exceptional circumstances through having a specific impairment, this must be approved during Classification and noted by the classifier in the athlete's record of achievement book.
12.3.5 Bra: When worn during competition, only sports bras without any stiffening, padding or under wiring are permitted. It must lie totally flat when placed on the kit check table. The bra that will be worn during the competition has to be made readily available for checking by the technical officials on the kit check table only; it must never be checked whilst being worn by the athlete during weigh-in. Any athlete considered to be using the bra to gain unfair advantage (i.e. making it too tight to unnaturally raise the chest or padding out after kit check) can be challenged from the Jury and Referees which can result in disqualification.
12.3.6 Head dress: Where a head dress is worn it must only be made of a one PIY, single, plain coloured material. For health and safety reasons a head-dress must never have any sequins or other jewellery attached to it. It must always be close fitting to the shape of the head / neckline. It must never fully cover the face or go below the neck line where it impedes a Referees' view of the neck and shoulders.
12.3.7 Leg/Bench Straps: Any athlete is allowed to have their legs strapped to the bench for additional stability and with the choice of using either one or two straps. Leg / Bench straps length (2m) and / or (2.2m) both must never be less than 7.5 cm, or more than 10cm in width with no additional padding, metal buckles or loops. Only Velcro type fastening is allowed. The official competition bench straps, personal bench straps or a mixture of both can be used. Where any personal bench straps are used, each and every personal strap being used should be presented and shown at the kit check, before weigh-in. Strapping is allowed any, there on the legs from the ankles to the top of the thigh but must never be on, across or above the hip line. The only exception to this is for amputees with complete hip disarticulation. In such cases, 7.5cm width straps should be used and placed as low as possible away from the groin area and there must never be two (2) straps overlapping each other. Straps must never be placed directly across the knee (patella) unless severe contractures of the legs dictate otherwise. In such cases, athletes must be assessed during Classification and any necessary use of straps across the knee entered in the athlete's record book of achievement. In all circumstances there must never be two (2) straps overlapping and or touching each other and a visible gap between the two (2) straps must be present. The only exception is where an athlete has extreme contractures of the legs. In this case, for safety reasons, strapping may be overlapped provided a classifier has verified this and entered the exception in the athlete's record book of achievement. Strapping of the legs must be done by either the athlete or the coach; in either case this can be with the assistance of the spotter) loaders but must always be under the supervision of the Referees.
12.3.8 Belt: Athletes may choose to wear a lifting belt. If worn it must always be on the outside of the lifting suit. The main body shall be made of leather, vinyl or other similar non-stretch material in one or more laminations, which may be glued and/or stitched together but cannot have any additional padding, bracing or supports of any material either on the surface or concealed within the laminations of the belt. The belt can have a buckle with one or two prongs orb quick release' type; any type of buckle should be attached at one end of the belt by means of studs and/or stitching. A tongue loop (maximum 2) shall b attached close to the buckle by means of studs and/or stitching. TO name of the athlete's nation, or one (1) logo, sponsor or manufacturer can appear on the outside of the belt in accordance with Appendix 6. The dimensions of the belt must comply with the following measurements: Maximum width of belt should not exceed 100 mm. Maximum thickness of belt along its main length not to exceed.13 mm. Inside width of buckles maximum 110 mm. Outside width of buckles maximum 130 mm. Tongue loops maximum width 50 mm. Distance between end of belt and far end of tongue loop maximum 150 mm.
12.3.9 Bandages and Wristbands (wraps): Only wraps or bandages of a one ply commercially woven elastic that is covered with polyester, cotton or a combination of both materials or medical crepes are permitted. Bandages of rubber or rubberized substitutes are strictly forbidden. And a combination of wristband and bandages is not permitted. Bandages must not exceed 1 metre in length and 80 mm in width. Bandages exceeding the permitted length or width shall be rejected, but may be cut by the athlete to the permitted length and width and resubmitted within the specified kit check inspection time. Officials shall not be responsible for cutting bandages and all WPPO officials are prohibited from doing so. Wristbands not exceeding 100 mm in width may be worn. A wristband mot not extend beyond 100 mm above and 20 mm below the Centre of the wrist joint and must never exceed it total covered width of 120 mm. Athletes must be checked by the TC before entering the FOP. If wristbands are the wrap around style, they may have a thumb loop and Velcro patch for securing them. They cannot have any additional type of buckle, loop or other style of fastening. The thumb loop can only be used for securing the wristband when the athlete is putting it on but the loop must be taken off of the thumb during the actual lift.
2.3.10 Plasters: Plasters must not be worn anywhere on the body without official permission of the TD or, in their absence, the PJ and or the CR, with the Chief Medical Officer on duty in attendance, where available. Plasters, bandages or Band-Aids cannot be used as aids to assist the athlete gripping the bar. The official competition doctor, paramedic or medical personnel on duty may apply plasters to body injuries in a fashion that would not grant the athlete an undue advantage. He/she must consult with the TD or in their absence the CR or PJ. At all competitions where a Jury might not be present and there are no medical personnel on duty, the TD will have jurisdiction over the use of plasters. Any other types of medical taping / strapping is not allowed
12.4 Kit Check
12.4.1 The kit check will always commence no later than five (5) minutes prior to the start time of the weigh in and will end no later than ten (10) minutes prior to the end time of weigh in as published in the competition schedule, should all athletes complete the kit check prior to the published end time, the kit check will be closed. Each athlete for the respective session must complete the kit check immediately prior to attending the weigh in.
12.4.2 Athletes will complete the kit check in numerical order of their lot draw (lowest to highest).
12.4.3 Should an athlete not present for kit check when their lot number is called they will forfeit their position and will be re-called once all other athletes for that category have completed the kit check.
12.4.4 If the athlete fails to present to the kit check prior to the time identified as the end of kit-check and weigh in they will be disqualified (DSQ) from the competition.
12.4.5 The kit check will be completed by the official appointed to the role of PJ and IC for the competition of that respective weight category.
12.4.6 Once called, athletes must present a valid form of personal identification (Example: accreditation, passport or WPPO ID card) and their athlete record book in order for the kit check to commence.
12.4.7 Once approved by PJ, the athlete must place every piece of clothing and personal equipment that will be worn and or used during the competition on the kit check table for inspection; this can include but is not limited to;
12.4.8 For approval to use/wear during competition Al clothing and equipment presented must be in full accordance with the specifications outlined in Rule 12.3.
12.4.9 Immediately after each athlete has finished their kit check they should proceed directly to the weigh-in room.
12.5 Weigh- IN
12.5.1 The weigh in is the official process A verify the athlete's final bodyweight confirm that the athlete is within the necessary parameters permitting them to compete within their selected bodyweight category.
12.5.2 During the weigh, the athlete or his coach must declare a starting weight and rack height. All of these details must be clearly entered on the official attempt card for that athlete, witnessed and signed by the athlete or his coach and then signed and retained by the Marshall.
12.5.3 The technical officials appointed to the role of CR and M for the competition of that respective weight category will complete the weigh in procedure. When and where possible efforts will always be made to ensure that the CR and M appointed to the respective session match the gender of the competing athletes.
12.5.4 The final and published duration of the weigh-, period per bodyweight category will be calculated in accordance with the final number of entries per event.
12.5.5 The minimum time allocated to complete the weigh in will be: Twenty (20) minutes and; The maximum duration will be ninety (90) minutes, in accordance with the following: From five (5) to twenty (20) athletes an average of four (4) min will be calculated per athlete; From twenty-one (21) athletes and over the maximum ninety (90) minute allocation will be allowed
12.5.6 The weigh in will be carried out in a designated and private weigh in room with the athlete one coach or team representative, and two (2) appointed technical officials.
12.5.7 The athletes will be called to the weigh in room from the changing room and then must present a valid form of personal identification (Example: accreditation, passport or WPPO ID card) and their athlete record of achievement book in order for the weigh in to commence.
12.5.8 Any athlete not presenting a valid form of personal identification and their athlete record of achievement book will have until the close of weigh in to present this documentation or face disqualification.
12.5.9 Each athlete should only be weighed once.
12.5.10 Only those athletes whose bodyweight is heavier or lighter than the limits of the category initially entered are allowed to return to the scales. They must return to the scales and make weight within the time limit for the weigh in (as outlined on the competition schedule for that category) otherwise they will b disqualified and eliminated from the competition.
12.5.11 Athletes trying to make weight can only be re-weighed after all other athletes in the same bodyweight category have been called to the scales but they can be re-weighed as often as remaining time and orderly progression by lot draw number allows.
12.5.12 After completing their weigh in all athletes and coaches should go directly to the weigh in holding room to eat, re-hydrate and or rest until the warm up area is open for their event.
12.6 Warm Up
12.6.1 The warm up area will only be accessible, on presentation of a warm up pass, to competing athletes and their respective coaches, a minimum thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of an event.
12.6.2 Warm up passes will b distributed by the Marshall during the weigh in to competing athletes and two (2) coaches per competing nation, not per athlete in that respective category.
12.6.3 When events feature more than one (1) group of athletes, the athletes and coaches of the lowest alphabetically ordered group that are competing first will have priority access to the benches in the warm up area.
12.6.4 Once the athletes of the first group leave the benches to complete their first lift, the athletes and coaches from the next lowest alphabetically ordered group can access the benches (example: if there are three (3) groups, Group C will have access to the benches first, followed by Group B and then Group A).
12.6.5 In the event there are more athletes in a group than there are benches available in the warm up area, all coaches and athletes must respect each other and allow equal access to the benches to warm up.
12.6.6 Any breach of these Rules by an athlete and/or a coach may result in the removal of the warm up pass by WPPO.
12.7 Athlete Presentation
12.7.1 During all WPPO Recognized Competitions with the exception of IPC Games and WPPO Championships, all athletes presentations will be in accordance with either of the following formats: The session start list will be displayed on the scoreboard; and/or The camera will display each athlete from the warm up area to the FOP screens.
12.7.2 These formats are adopted to ensure that MI athletes are allocated a minimum of thirty (30) minutes to warm up without interruption.
12.7.3 During the IPC Games and WPPO Championships, alternative or similar formats for athlete presentation may be applied. For example, each athlete may proceed individually to the FOP when their name is announced to present themselves to the audience and then return to the warm up area to continue the warm-up. The adopted athlete presentation format will be communicated to all teams during the technical meeting.
12.8 Technical Officials Presentation
12.8.1 The technical official's presentation should immediately follow the end of the athlete presentation.
12.8.2 The appointed three (3) Referees and TC for the event should proceed to the FOP when their name is announced to present themselves to the audience and then return to the warm up area.
12.8.3 The TA will then announce one (1) by one (1) (by name and country) each of the jury members and the ID; however they will remain in their positions and not proceed to the FOP.
12.8.4 Three (3) minutes before start each event the three (3) Referees will proceed W the FOP to take their respective positions.
12.8.5 During IPC Games and IPC Competitions an alternative format for the presentation of technical officials may be applied. This format will be communicated to all) technical officials prior to the start of the competition.
13 World Para Powerlifting Venue Requirements
13.1 Venue
13.1.1 The WPPO Recognized Competition venue includes the below areas:
• Competition Area: FOP (stage and platform),
• Warm Up room and Victory Ceremonies call room,
• Warm up waiting area,
• Kit check and weigh-in room,
• Weigh in holding room
13.2 Competition Venue
13.2.1 The competition venue should be an indoor site with a minimum available height of 10m and able to accommodate the necessary areas at the dimensions listed below. A sample competition venue layout can be viewed in the WPPO Event Manual in Appendix 8.
Para Sports Results and Information Services Warm Up room and Victory Ceremonies call room, Warm up waiting area, At WPPO World - ups, Weigh in holding room
13.2.2 Field of Play Area (FOP)
The FOP area at the competition venue is comprised in accordance with the following dimensions:
*Mandatory for Paralympic Games and WPPO Championships
**There should always be two (2) separate ramps for the entry and exit to / from the stage in order to maximize the flow and efficiency of the competition.
13.2.3 The surface of the stage and platform must have a flat and non-slip surface, and the stage must be able to support a minimum weight of 2,000kg.
13.2.4 The following spaces (tables) shall be located adjacent to the FOP/stage:
• Jury tables
• Technical tables
• Technical delegate table
• OVR table
• Sports production tables
• IF table,
13.2.5 The following additional accessible functional areas are required and should be located close to the FOP:
• Kit check area
• Changing room / weigh in room /dressing room/weigh in holding room
• Classification rooms (and waiting area)
• Anti-doping / education outreach area
• Accessible changing rooms
• Athletes' rets area
• Athletes' toilets for each gender
• Doping control station
• TD/TDA office
• Technical officials' room
• Technical officials' toilets for each gender
• LOC competition management office(s)
• Medical /first aid room
• WPPO office
• Mixed zone
• Media working room
• VIP room
• Victory ceremonies preparation area
•On venue results room (OVR)
• Sports information desk (SID)
• Transport drop area
• Accreditation desk
• Storage room
13.2.6 For the .11 requirements of each of the accessible functional areas listed above please refer to the WPPO Event Manual in Appendix 8.
14 Equipment Requirements
14.1 WPPO Equipment
4.1.1 At all WPPO Recognized Competitions only equipment (bars, collars. weights, platforms and benches) from approved WPPO suppliers is permitted.
14.1.2 Weightlifting and Powerlifting bars must never be used. at any WPPO Recognizes. Competitions for training or competition purposes, only approved WPPO bars are permitted.
14.1.3 A detailed table of all Para powerlifting equipment required per level of WPPO Recognized Competition and the WPPO approved suppliers is available in the WPPO Equipment Requirements in Appendix 10.
14.1.4 All equipment before the start of every session must be in very good, safe, clean and tidy condition and meet all the requirements outlined in this Rule 14.
14.1.5 Equipment that meets the WPPO specifications does not mean it is consider. "approved, until such a time that it is checked and an official and formal approval is given by WPPO.
14.2 Components Calibration Tolerance
14.2.1 In all WPPO Recognized Competitions. the following differential calibration tolerances must apply in all bars, discs and collars (components):
14.3 The Bench
14.3.1 In all WPPO Recognized Competitions only benches from a WPPO approved supplier must be used in accordance to the following dimensions: The upholstered bed of the bench must be flat, level and a total of 2100mm in length. 1220mm: The main section of the bed of the bench shall be 610 mm wide, but for a distance of 705 mm from the head end, the width must only be 305 mm leaving two equal shoulders of 152.50 mm. The height must never be less than 480 mm and never exceeding 500 mm measured from the floor to the top of the flat surface of the bed of the bench without it being depressed or compacted. The height of the rack uprights on all benches used in any WPPO recognized competition must be adjustable from a minimum 700mm to a maximum of 1200 mm measured from the floor to the bar rest position. The minimum width between the insides of the bar rests shall be 1100 mm
14.4 The Bar
14.4.1 In all WPPO Recognized Competitions only bars from a WPPO approved supplier must be used in the competition, warm up and training areas.
14.4.2 Bars should have a green cap with the WPPO approved supplier logo at the end of the sleeves to clearly identity WPPO bars.
14.4.3 The bar shall be straight and well knurled and grooved and shall conform to the following dimensions: Total overall length must not exceed 2200 mm. Distance between the collar faces is not to be less than 1310mm or greater than 1320 mm Diameter of the bar is never to be less than 28 mm (preferred) or greater than 29 mm. The combined weight of the bar and collars has to be 25kg with the collars weighing 2.5kgs each. The diameter of the sleeves must be 50 mm There should be a machined marking to precisely indicate a distance of 810 mm between the internal (facing) edges of the machined marking.
14.4.4 WPPO Bar specifications:
• Weight: 20 kg
• Diameter of the bar must be 28mm
• The diameter of the sleeves (thickness of collar) should be 30 mm
• No knurling from the ends of the bar
• Bushing bearings within the bar (to minimize the rotation of the weights during the lift)
• Grip coating: Chrome
• Knurling: 1.5
• Sleeve coating: Chrome
• Maximum weight: 1500 kg Approved WPPO bars since 2008 will remain acceptable until the end of December 2019. Approved WPPO bars since 2014 will remain acceptable until the end of December 2024. A damaged bar, or a bar in some way determined as unsafe, unfit for purpose and/or unusable by the WPPO Referees on duty should be replaced.
14.5 The Discs
14.5.1 In all WPPO Recognized Competitions only discs from a WPPO approved supplier can be used in the competition, warm up and training areas. Approved competition discs must always be used on the competition platform, and in the warm up room. Approved Training Discs can be used in the training area. 14.5.2 WPPO Discs must conform with the following: All discs used in competition must conform to the maximum differential tolerances outlined in Rule 14.2 The competition disc should be made of metal and covered with polyurethane (rubber) with permanent colours on both sides and or colour coded around the whole edge of the circumference of the weight. The diameter of the hole in the centre of the disc must be 50.5 mm The diameter of the largest disc must be 450 mm On, the following range and colour code of discs will be used in WPPO Recognized Competitions:
• 0.25 kg = Metal (just for record purposes)
• 0.5 kg = White
• 1 kg = Green
• 21.k5gkg = Yellow
• 2 kg = Blue
• 2.5 kg = red
• 5 kg = White
• 10 kg = Green
• 15 kg = Yellow
• 20 kg = Blue
• 25 kg = R.
• 50 kg = Black 50kg discs must be used for all attempts of 245kg and above. Where 50kg discs are not available, metal 25kgs discs from the same manufacture can be used (in this particular instance only). All discs must be visibly marked with their relevant weight value and WPPO logo, always loaded with the heaviest discs innermost on the sleeve, thereafter loaded in descending order of weight with lightest discs towards the outside.
14.5.3 The first disc loaded on the bar must always be loaded face inwards for the weight to be readily identified. All additional discs will be loaded face out.
14.6 The Scales
14.6.1 In all WPPO Recognized Competitions there must always be at least two (2) electronic scales which must have a print-out facility. One (1) scale will be used solely for the official weigh in during competition, and the other(s) for the training area. All should have as a minimum, the following specifications: Electronic platform type, measuring no less than 850mm x 850mm and no greater than lm x lm Capacity of accurately weighing up to 200. measuring to two (2) decimal places in 10g increments
14.6.1. Certification of calibration from the manufacturer
14.6.2 The appointed technical official will always check the scales accuracy (calibration) to be set by zero prior to every session. Where available a printout showing time and date of the calibration will be posted adjacent to the scales.
14.6.3 The scales can be used with or without a chair.
14.7 Scoring System
14.7.1 To receive a level of service in the area of results and technology which is congruent with the professionalism, integrity and intent of the IPC there must be guidelines in place for LOCs of WPPO Recognized Competitions to follow.
14.7.2 The WPPO scoring system is formed of the following:
• Para Sports Results and Information Services (PARIS), with the exception of the Paralympic Games where the PRIS must be used
• Timing and Scoring System (T&S)
• On Venue Results (OVR)
• Para Powerlifting Competition and Operations Management System (Power COMS)
14.8 PARIS & PRIS:
14.8.1 The PARIS and/or PRIS where applicable should be used by the LOC and its technology supplier to understand the need to provide information before, during and after the event, the needs of sport in the execution of the event, and the needs to wort( with all functional groups to be able to provide a success.' event.
14.8.2 The precise definition of procedures related to requirements will assist in the successful implementation of the technical solutions. This is mandatory for the LOC and its technology suppliers in order to develop and implement efficient systems that will meet user expectations.
14.8.3 It is important for the LOC and its technology suppliers to realize that the PARIS and PRIS documents do not provide all specifications necessary to produce software applications needed to deliver the required services.
14.9 Timing and Scoring System (T84):
14.9.1 The WPPO T&S is formed by the following:
14.9.2 WPPO Lights System: consisting of one (1) lights results console, competition clock, three (3) WPPO referee systems, four (4) WPPO jury systems and one (1) WPPO president of jury terminal
14.9.3 The lights results console: receives the final decision from the three (3) WPPO referee systems of the attempts and controls the competition clock.
14.9.4 The Competition Clock: The system must have a configurable (20.) countdown clock to be used ahead of the start of competition. It should have a 3 minutes count down and start and also from 2 minutes countdown to start, and the option to change from 2 to 3 according to the sport's needs. It must have a 1 minute (warning) buzzer and the time out buzzer where the clock should automatically sound if the available time has elapsed. The clock will be controlled by the Time Keeper official.
14.9.5 WPPO referee system: The three (3) systems could be wireless (preferable) or with cables, one (1) for each Referee on the stage who will make their own decisions following each lift with two (2) buttons:
• One (1) white button to indicate a good lift and; and
• One (1) red button to indicate a no lift for a wrong execution.
14.9.6 The Referee's decision (signal) goes automatically to the attempt boards on the FOP and warm up area and will be displayed in one (1) row as follows:
• The first rove should indicate three (3) lights: White for a Good Lift and Red for a No lift. The row of lights must be arranged horizontally to correspond with the positions of the three (3) Referees. It should display all of these lights at the same time; lights must never illuminate separately. Once the Referee has pressed the button it will be locked so that the decision cannot be changed. The WPPO referee system should have a vibrate function or alarm that should be automatically activated if any of the Referees' fail to press any button. The Jury and President of Jury will not receive the outcome of Referee*s. WPPO Jury System. The four (4) systems could be wireless (preferable) or with cables, one (1) per each Jury member, with two {2) buttons:
• One (1) white to indicate a good lift and; and
• One (1) red to indicate a no lift for a wrong execution. Once the Jury press the button it will be locked so it can't be pressed again. The Jury systems should have a vibrate function or alarm that should automatically activate if any of the Jury fail to press any button. The Jury's decision will go automatically to only the PJ's terminal and will show the four (4) Jury's decision at the same time, but only if a technical challenge is requested. The lights must never illuminate separately on the terminal. WPPO PJ terminal: It should be one (1) 7" main Jury portable terminal. It should display the decision from the four (4) Jury members (including the PJ) but only if a technical challenge is requested. The terminal should always display the one (1) minute technical challenge time and should always count down automatically as soon as the Referee's decision is showed upon the attempt board. The clock should then remain at 0:00 until the one (1) minute time limit is automatically reset when the next athletes result is displayed upon the attempt boards.
14.9.7 Attempt Board The attempt boards are TVs that will show the WPPO lights system information and must be displayed in the most visible and practical Place on the FOP and warm up area so that everyone can easily follow the running of the competition. At IPC Competitions six (6) attempt boards (all provided by the LOC) are needed on the FOP and warm up area as follows:
• FOP; a total of three (3) attempt boards: 0 Two (2) must be placed on the backdrop at each side of the entrance and exit doors to the FOP facing the spectators. o One (1) must be placed on one corner of the stage facing the Chief Referee.
• Warm up, three (3) attempt boards:
o One (1) close to the entrance door to the FOP and;
o Two (2) that will be placed as needed For National Competitions where only one attempt board is Provided it should always be placed at the exit side of the FOP. The attempt board must always display:
• Picture of the athlete
• Lot number;
• Competing athlete with family name;
• Given name;
• NPC flag with code;
• Attempt number;
• Running time (countdown from 2 or 3 min accordingly);
• Event category;
• Colour weights indicated, weight (kg)
• Indicated if it is WR/RR;
• Success/failure lift indicator (lights) for each Referee (white and red)
14.9.8 On Venue Results System (OVR) The provision of information to spectators at the venues is a critical part of the success of the event, keeping those who know the sport informed and those that are new to the sport enlightened and entertained. The system will show the competition information and results on the scoreboard in the order in which they will lift based on 1st attempts given at the weigh-in, their country, and the result of each lift and final result.
14.9.9 Scoreboard A minimum 6mx4m video style scoreboard must be set up and displayed in the most practical and visible place on the FOP (usually on the backdrop behind of the platform (central position from a minimum height of 2.5m from the stage) and/or on either side of the backdrop (usually outside of the 12m stage).
14.9.10 Real-Time Display System (RTDS): The provision of information to athletes; coaches, trod, Officials at the compelitlirn.71n: RIDS provides this key and full information n:745-501 plasma screens in the "back-of, house. areas of the competition venue as well as on the FOP for the technical and Jury table This information is used by coaches and athletes to monitor the progress of competition and to plot their strategy in selecting weights for their next lift. It is also used by technical officials to ensure the smooth operation of the competition and the orderly flow of athletes to the lifting platform.
14.9.11 1rowerlifting Competition and Operations Management System (Power COMS) The Power COMS system controls and manages the entire flow of the competition, including the lodging of a technical challenge and to accept, check and verify all the new and changed attempts, all changes are recorded directly within this system. At all IPC Competitions and WPPO Sanctioned Competitions an electronic timing system must be used, please refer to the WPPO went manual in Appendix 8 to check all the specifications and requirements for the PARIS, T&S, OVR and Power COMS.
15.1 Para Powerlifting Bench Pre.- Sequence of Events
15.1.1 In order to complete a correct Para powerlifting bench press, the following four (4) positions {starting position) and lifting sequences start, press and rack) must be executed:
15.1.2 Starting position The athlete must lie on the bench on their back and assume their lifting position. This position must remain the same for the entire lift. Body positioning: The head, shoulders, buttocks, legs (fully extended where possible) heels (if applicable) must remain on/touching the bench during the entire lift. Strapping the placing of bench straps must be in accordance with Rule 12.3.7. Assistance: The athlete can choose to have assistance if they require from only the spotter loaders provided to help the athlete to remove the bar from the racks, the 'assisted' lift off must be to arm's length only and not down to the chest. The coach or athlete must make the chief spotter fully aware of their need for assistance prior to staring the lift. The athlete must always grip the bar with the thumbs and all fingers being wrapped firmly and safely around the circumference of the bar. Spacing of athletes hands do not exceed 81cm (measured between forefingers). Bar is taken under control at arm's length with locked elbows (subject to any special medical conditions). The coach and athlete must ensure that all the above requirements are met prior to the bar being taken from the racks If either of the Side Referees consider the starting position of an athlete is incorrect prior to the CR command for the start of a lift, the Referee must immediately raise a hand to draw attention to the fact that there is a potential fault. This must not be done once the command 'start' has been given. Command. Once the CR is satisfied that all the above requirements have been met within the two (2) minute time allowance they will immediately give the audible command 'Start', with the accompanying visual signal which is the downward movement of the outstretched arm which means the athlete can begin the lift
15.1.3 Start Sequence — eccentric movement (downwards) Athletes should begin the lift only after receiving the start command from the CR. Head must never lift off the bench throughout the entire lift. Body positioning must remain the same throughout the entire lift. There is no contact between the bar and the spotter/loaders throughout the sequence. The bar must be lowered to the chest in a fully controlled manner throughout the sequence. Without heaving the bar: Heaving is considered to be when the bar travels down, stops on the chest, and is then 'heaved' back up using several upper body parts to assist the press Without bouncing the bar: Bouncing is considered to be when the bar travels down, presses into the chest without stopping in an uncontrolled manner and immediately pressed up again. There must be a noticeably visual stop on the chest displaying a definitive break between the eccentric and concentric (down and up) movement of the bar Once the bar has stopped on the chest, it must never sink into the chest before being pressed upwards
15.1.4 Press Sequence-concentric movement (upwards) The bar is pressed upwards equally and controlled. The bar never moves downwards back towards the chest (but is allowed to stop). There is no walking of the bar: unequal extensions of each arm simultaneously opposed to one equal movement at the same time and speed. There are no lateral movements of the hands along the bar. There is an equal extension as the bar is pressed to arm's length with an equally timed .k out of both arms. The bar does not have to be completely horizontal during the press sequence or on .k out, but there must still be an equally timed lock out of both arms. The athlete maintains the .k out of both arms with the bar under control until the rack command is given. Head must never lift off the bench throughout the entire lift and the body positioning must also remain the same throughout the entire lift. There is no contact between the bar and the spotter/loaders throughout the sequence.
15.1.5 Rack Sequence The bar is never placed onto the racks until the rack command is given. When the CR considers that the athlete has completed the lift and has the bar under control at arms' length and with elbows locked, an immediate audible command to "rack.' will be made, with an accompanying visual signal consisting of a backward movement of the outstretched arm.
• If the bar has hit the racks during the execution of the lift and the athlete is deemed to have gained no advantage at all then a good lift can still be awarded by the Referees.
15.2 Lift decision
15.2.1 Once the bar has been placed in the racks, the three (3) adjudicating Referees announce their collective decision by means of lights or flags when required. Good Lift:
• A minimum of two (2) white lights/flags will determine that an athlete has a good lift. Bad Lift:
• A minimum of two (2) red lights/flags will determine that an athlete has a 'no lift'.
15.3 WPPO Bad Lift Execution in Four Sequences:
15.3.1 The three (3) Referees will adjudicate a 'no lift' if the athlete fails to complete a correct technical Para powerlifting bench press execution in any one (1) or more of the following sequences:
15.3.2 Body Position Sequence If the athlete's starting body position does not remain the same throughout the lift. If the athlete's head, shoulders, buttocks, legs and heels (if applicable) do not remain on/touching the bench during the entire lift. If the athlete's legs (where possible) do not remain fully extended during the entire lift (e.g. amputees). If the athlete does not always grip the bar with their thumbs wrapped around the bar. If all the fingers of the athlete are not wrapped firmly and safely around the circumference of the bar. If the spacing of the athlete's hands exceed 81cm (measured between the forefingers). If the athlete begins the lift before the start command is given.
15.3.3 Bar Control Sequence If the bar is not taken under control at arm's length with locked elbows (subject to any special medical conditions). If there is contact between the bar and the spotter/loaders throughout the sequence. If the bar is lowered to the chest in an uncontrolled manner. Where the bar is heaved (i.e. when the bar travels down, stops on the chest, and is then 'heaved' back up using several upper body parts, such as the shoulders, to assist the pre.). Where the bar is bouncing (i.e. when the bar travels down, presses into the chest without stopping in an uncontrolled manner and is immediately pressed up again). Where the bar is not pressed upwards equally. Where the bar is pressed in an uncontrolled manner. Where the bar moves downwards towards the chest during the press sequence. Where there is a walking of the bar (i.e. when there are unequal extensions of each arm simultaneously opposed to one equal movement at the same time and speed). Where there are lateral movements of the hands along the bar.
15.3.4 Chest Sequence If there is not a noticeably visual stop on the chest displaying a definitive break between the eccentric and concentric (down and up) movement of the bar. If the bar has stopped on the chest and sinks into the chest at any time before being pressed upward. If the bar does not touch and stop on the chest.
15.3.5 Press Sequence If the athlete fails to press the bar. If there is not an equal extension as the bar is pressed to arm's length with no equally timed lock out of both arms. If the athlete does not maintain the lock out of both arms with the bar under control until the rack command is given. If the bar is placed onto the racks prior to receiving the rack command.
Three (3) red lights and a 'no lift' will be automatically applied for the following:
• Elapsed time - 'Time Out' (213 minutes time limit): If the lift has not started within the allotted time.
• If the attempt being made is unsuccessful, then an immediate audible command to "rack" will be made, with an accompanying visual signal consisting of a backward movement of the outstretched arm.
16.1 The Competition
16.1.1 The competition will begin a minimum of thirty (30) minutes. following the official opening of the designated warm up area for the respective bodyweight category as detailed in the competition schedule.
16.1.2 Athletes are permitted only three lifting attempts, one (1) attempt must take place in each of the three rounds. A power lift (4th attempt) is permitted for record purposes only outside of the three competition rounds; please refer to Rule 16.5.12 to review the eligibility criteria to qualify to complete a Power Lift.
16.1.3 In order to achieve the best competition result and rank in WPPO Recognized Competitions, the athlete must lift the most weight out of all athletes competing In that respective bodyweight group.
16.1.4 Each athlete has two (2) minutes per attempt to start their lift. Should the athlete not receive the start signal from the CR and begin their lift within this time limit it will be announced that the time is elapsed and they will be asked to rack the bar and a no lift will be given. This two minute time allocation will begin once the TA finish. announcing the athlete's .11 name.
16.1.5 If an athlete is required to complete two (2) or more lifts in direct succession/one after the other (e.g. an error in loading or a power lift/record affempt) then on this occasion only will the athlete be allowed an increased total time of three (3) minutes to begin the lift.
16.1.6 The athlete can only be accompanied to the stage by one accredited coaching representative and must not proceed towards the bench until their allotted time has begun following the announcement of their full name.
16.1.7 The coach is allowed to assist the athlete getting onto and or leaving the bench and platform as required, they can a. assist the athlete with strapping by themselves or with assistance of the side spotters.
16.1.8 When on the competition platform, the coach must never touch the bar, the racks or the athlete, arms and hands during the body positioning .sequence; only verbal instructions to the athlete and or to the spotter loaders can be offered by coaches.
16.1.9 During the lift, coaches must remain within the designated (minimum 1 x 1 m) coaching areas either side of the as marked out on the floor of the stage.
16.1.10 Upon completion of each attempt athlete and coach must leave the stage .thin thirty (30) seconds of the athlete leaving the bench.
16.1.11 All athletes within single or multiple groups as decided after the weigh-in will complete each round in sequential order by the lifting weight chosen from the lightest to heaviest in ascending order
16.1.12 If the lifting weight chosen is the same, then athletes will be ordered by their number from the lot draw with the lowest numbered athlete lifting first.
16.1.13 The bar must be loaded progressively for each attempt by a minimum of 1 kg. Only when making a record attempt will a minimum increase of 0.5kg be accepted.
16.1.14 If the athlete is unsuccessful at the attempted weight, they will be permitted to request the same weight in the following round(s) until it is achieved.
16.2 The Round System
16.2.1 Round 1 The athlete and coach must identify their starting weight and rack height for their first attempt during the weigh in. The athlete/coach will be permitted only one (1) opportunity to make one (1) change to this starting weight either higher or lower, however if lower it must never exceed 7kg less than the original submitted weight, there is no minimum or maximum parameters when the starting weight is increased. If the athlete is in the first or only competing group, this change can take place at any time up to within five (5) minutes before the start of the first round. Never after the five (5) minute deadline call has been announced by the TA Subsequent competing groups in the same bodyweight category or session are also allowed one (1) weight change, but only up until within three attempts from the end of the previous group's last round. The speaker will announce due notice of these weight change deadlines. No changes are permitted after the TA has announced the deadline. The grouping of all athletes will remain as listed on the original start list as devised by the starting weight declared in the weigh in only, however the lifting order of athletes per group will be updated by the newly submitted starting weights only if made by the deadline.
16.2.2 Round 2 Once the athlete has completed their first attempt, if it was successful the starting weight for round two (2) will automatically be increased by 1 kg. If the first lift was unsuccessful the starting weight for round two (2) will remain the same. The coach/athlete has a time limit of one (1) minute from the display of the Referee's final decision for the athlete's attempt to select a different starting weight for round two (2). This selection must be made by the coach/athlete at the Marshall table and signed by the coach/athlete and marshal otherwise the automatically selected weight as Per the outcome of the Prior attempt will remain. The starting weight requested for round two (2) can only be a weight increase and must never be a weight decrease. The weight increase selected must be a minimum of 1kg as automatically applied by the system, unless a record attempt is requested then a minimum increase or decrease of 0.5kg will be permitted. A second change of starting weight in round two (2) is only permitted when two (2) athletes nominate the same starting weight for a World Record attempt. If the first athlete was successful, then the second athlete is permitted to change their starting weight by a minimum of 0.5kg in order to attempt to break the new World Record. This second change will only be permitted if the technical announcer has not already requested for the bar to be loaded to the original requested starting weight for that athlete.
16.2.3 Round
3 Once the athlete has completed their second attempt, if it was successful the starting weight for round three (3) will automatically be increased by 1kg If the lift was unsuccessful the starting weight for round three (3) will remain the same. The coach/athlete has a time limit of one (1) minute from the display of the Referee's final decision for the athlete's attempt to select the first available of two (2) changes of starting weight for round three (3). This selection must be made by the coach/athlete at the Marshall table and signed by the coach/athlete and marshal otherwise the automatically selected weight as per the outcome of the prior attempt will remain. The starting weight requested in the first weight change for round three (3) can only be a weight increase and must never be a weight decrease. The weight increase selected must be a minimum of 1kg as automatically applied by system, unless a record attempt is requested then a minimum Increase or decrease of 0.5kg will be permitted. If the second available requested weight change is higher than the first change, it will not be permitted if the TA has already requested for the bar to be loaded to the original requested starting weight for that athlete. If the second change requested is lower than the first change it will not be permitted if:
• It is lower than the starting weight attempted in round two (2).
• It is lower and/or equal to a weight that has already been completed (good or bad lift) by another athlete in round three (3).
• The TA has already requested for the bar to be loaded to the original requested starting weight for that athlete.
16.3 Tehnical Challenge
16.3.1 A technical challenge is an official opportunity for the athlete or coach accredited with the warm up pass for the r pective session, to challenge the final decision of the Referees regarding the outcome of that athlete's attempt.
16.3.2 A technical challenge will only be accepted when a 'no lift' is given, and will never be accepted in relation to a good lift or if that challenge is raised by teams against opposition athletes from other or the same competing nations.
16.3.3 Technical challenges will be available at IPC Games, IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sancti°. Competitions only when a full Jury is appoint. and present at the competition.
16.3.4 A technical challenge will only be considered if submitted to the PJ within one (1) minute of the display of the Referee's final decision for the athlete's attempt.
16.3.5 In order to .submit a technical challenge, either the athlete or coach must proceed to the Jury table and lodge the technical challenge card with the PJ within the one (1) minute deadline. The technical challenge may only be lodged by the athlete or the coach in possession of a warm up pass for that particular session.
16.3.6 Technical challenge cards can be purchased from the TC In the warm up area at a cost of one hundred Euro (€100). Payment will be accepted in cash only, and must be paid immediately upon request of a technical challenge card.
16.3.7 Technical challenges must be determined by a unanimous decision of all four (4) Jury members who were present for the attempt that is the subjt of the technical challenge.
16.3.8 When the technical challenge is lodged, the PJ will immediately check all the decisions that were made by each member of the Jury. This will occur without any need to suspend the competition, and the outcome of the challenge will be immediately verbally Informed to the individual person that lodged the challenge.
16.3.9 For a challenge to be accepted all four members of the jury must have award. a good lift (white light).
16.3.10 The challenge will be dsmissed If one (1) or more members of the jury have awarded the attempt in question a bad lift (red light).
16.3.11 If a technical challenge is dismissed, the technical challenge card and fee will be retained by the Jury, and submitted by the TC to the WPPO management office. No further action is required.
16.3.12 If a technical challenge is accepted, the PJ will immediately return the technical challenge .card to the person who lodged the technical challenge. The card should then be returned to the TC in order to receive the cash refund of the technical challenge fee.
16.3.13 The athlete's result will be immediately amended and the result/ranking updated accordingly.
16.3.14 Any outcome of a technical challenge communicated by the PJ is final, and there will be absolutely no opportunity to protest or appeal this outcome.
16.3.15 Following the end of the respective competition session, any team that lodged a technical challenge.) that was dismissed should contact the WPPO management office to obtain an official receipt.) for the technical challenge fee. All proceeds collected from dismissed technical challenges will be invested into the WPPO tailored anti-doping Programme. Raise the Bar.
16.4 Errors in Loading or Announcing
16.4.1 During any round, if any of the below errors are not observed or subsequently raised by the adjudicating Referees or Jury prior to the athlete receiving the start command from the CR, the coach or athlete has the right to bring it to the attention to the CR and or to the PJ, then the CR will notify the timekeeper to stop the time to analyze the issue.
16.4.2 Should there be no issue the time shall resume as normal, if an issue is identified and there is sixty (60) seconds or longer of the athletes two (2) minutes remaining the issue will be corrected and the attempt will resume. If only fifty nine (59) seconds or less are remaining, the attempt will be forfeited and repeated at the end of the round. Incorrectly loaded bar: The weight that is loaded onto the bar does not match the weight requested and signed by the coach/athlete to the Marshall. Incorrect rack height: The rack height Is incorrect and does not match the height requested and signed by the coach/athlete to the Marshall. Spotter error: Should the bar come Into contact with the spotter(s) at any point during the lift when not instructed to do. by the CR. Technical Announcer error. Should the TA announce the wrong starting weight and or rack height leading to an Incorrectly loaded bar and or rack height.
16.4.3 Should any of the errors above go unnoticed and not raised on time by the coach/athlete and the lift Is completed regardless of the outcome (good lift or no lift) the athlete will not be entitled to repeat the attempt.
16.4.4 In the event of an incorrectly loaded bar and the lift is successful, then the originally requested weight will be registered as the final result with no further right to challenge or appeal.
16.5 Records
16.5.1 During all WPPO Recognized Competitions where an official anti-doping team is conducting doping tests and a full WPPO Jury is present, competing athletes are entitled to attempt to break a record.
16.5.2 Once identified that a record attempt will take place, in order for the record to be valid there must be no more than one (1) Referee on the stage that matches the nationality of the athlete completing the attempt. If two (2) or more Referees on the stage do match the nationality of the athlete completing the attempt, the TD will make every effort when and where possible to replace these Referees accordingly.
16.5.3 Prior to entering the stage for any record attempt, the TC will inspect athletes uniform, if found to be wearing any clothing not recorded during the official kit check, the athlete will be asked to remove the item(s) immediately and if non-compliant will record a no lift for the respective attempt. Should the athlete be found to be wearing any illegal apparel/equipment they will face immediate disqualification from the competition.
16.5.4 During the three (3) attempts an athlete is allowed to make a request for a record attempt that is not a rounded multiple of a full 1kg, and instead can be an increase of 0.5kg.
16.5.5 Should the record attempt be successful, it will be recognized as a new record, however the result recorded for that lift (recognized for ranking and to place the athlete) will be the lowest closest multiple of a rounded 1kg. Please see example below:
16.5.6 Record attempts which are not multiples of a full 1 kg are permitted on any or all of the athlete's three attempts provided that the minimum increase remains at no less than 0.5kg.
16.5.7 As soon as a new record is established any athlete then wishing to attempt a new record most exceed the previous one set by a minimum of 0.5kg otherwise it will not be recognized.
16.5.8 In the situation where two (2) athletes from the same bodyweight category break the same record on the same day but in different competitions, the athlete who weighed the lightest during the weigh in at their respective competition will be the sole record holder.
16.5.9 Should the two (2) athletes have weighed the exact same bodyweight at the weigh in of their respective competition then the two (2) athletes will both be the record holder collectively.
16.5.10 WPPO will recognize and maintain senior and junior regional and world records, and games records (Para pan American Games, Asian Para Games and Paralympic Games). It is only possible to break these records at the below identified competitions within the three (3) attempts.
16.5.11 Senior World Records The successful senior world records will be recognized during competition only if the below are met: Full four person Jury of level 1 Referees was present. The three (3) Referees on the stage for the lift are all international level 1 Referees (only necessary for senior world records, all other records must have at least international level 2 Referees on the stage). The successful senior world record will then only be validated once the below is met: A doping test is carried out on the record holder and the result was returned negative.
16.5.12 The Power Lift (40 attempt) The power lift is an additional attempt available to athletes to achieve a record outside of the official competition result, following their third attempt. The power lift is only permitted if the following prerequisites are met: If an athlete completes a successful third attempt where the weight lifted falls within a maximum of 10kg less than the respective record weight with which the athlete is trying to break. If the third attempt already completed was a new record attempt but was not successful and a no lift was given If the third attempt already completed was a new record attempt and was a successful lift and a good lift was given The power lift is only permitted for use to break the below listed records types at the below identified competitions only:
16.6 Results
16.6.1 Individual Results The final individual result of each competing athlete will be calculated on the best good lift completed (heaviest weight lifted) during the competition within the three (3) available attempts. Where two (2) athletes achieve the same competition result, the athlete with the lightest bodyweight will be ranked higher. The weight lifted by an athlete in the power lift (4th attempt) will never count toward their final result, and will be only used for record purposes- All official results will be either managed via the electronic OVR system and or manually recorded on the official results sheet. All results will be checked and signed by the TO. CR and PJ (where applicable). prior to awarding medals/diplomas. uploading results and distributing official results and competition results books.
16.6.2 Team Results For team events the result will be calculated by taking the total sum of the good lifts over the course of the nine (9) attempts by the three (3) individual team members from the respective bodyweight category, using the following formula:
• Total Weight (kg) of all the three (3) athletes recorded 'Good Lifts' over the nine (9) (attempts) = teams total sum of good lifts (kg)
• At WPPO Regional Championships only the results from the senior open event will be considered to calculate the final team results (including teams from the region and all other competing nations from outside that region) • At WPPO Championships only the results from the senior event will be considered to calculate the final team results.
• At WPPO Sanctioned Competitions the results of both junior and senior events will be considered but only for one (1) collective team award.
16.6.3 Mixed Team Results For mixed team events the following formats will be applied:
• When there are three (3) or less teams a straight final will be run using the round system like that of individual events. Each team member will complete one (1) lift only in the order of their elected weight. Once the first athlete from each team has completed their attempt, round two (2) will feature the attempt from the second athlete of each team, and the third round the third team member.
• When there are four (4), teams it will be run using the knock out system. Teams will be randomly grouped into pairs to compete against each other with athletes lifting simultaneously. The two (2) losing teams will then compete for bronze and the two (2) winning teams will compete for gold and silver.
• When there are five (5) or more teams, heats will be run using the round system. The top four (4) teams will then progress to the knock out system to award gold, silver and bronze
• As at 01 January 2018, the formula for calculating the results for mixed team events is still being established. Once it is established it will be used and tested at WPPO Recognized Competitions during 2018. The final formula will be included in these Rules on 01 January 2019.
16.6.4 Team Trophies Team trophies will be awarded at all IPC Competitions and WPPO Sanctioned Competitions using the team trophy point allocation system. The points will be calculated from the teams six (6) best placed athletes final competition rank (1st-10th) as detailed in table below: The format with which the Team Trophies will be calculated and awarded will differ at IPC Competitions and WPPO Sanctioned Competitions is as outlined below: WPPO Sanctioned Competitions:
• One (1) team trophy only will be awarded to just the highest placed team from all competing nations, using points from the top six (6) ranked athletes from one (1) or both genders, junior and senior athletes will both be considered. WPRO Regional Championships:
• Trophies will be awarded to the top three (3) placed teams from competing nations of only the respective region of the championships. The athletes' regional rank for the top six (6) ranked athletes from both genders, junior and senior will be considered. WPPO Championships:
• Trophies will be awarded to the top three (3) placed teams from all competing nations, using points from the top six (6) ranked athletes from one or both genders, junior and senior athletes will both be considered.
• Trophies will be awarded to the top three (3) placed women's teams from all competing nations, using points from up to the top six (6) ranked female athletes' only, junior and senior athletes will both be considered.
• Trophies will be awarded to the top three placed men's teams from all competing nations, using points from up to the top six (6) ranked male athletes' only, junior and senior athletes will both be considered.
16.6.5 Tie Break In the event of a tie in the overall scores of two (2) countries, the nation having the largest number of first places will be ranked first. In the event of a tie between two (2) nations having the same number of first places, the one (1) having the most second places will be ranked first and so on through to the placing of the maximum six (6) scoring athletes. In the case of a tie with exactly the same first, second, third, etc. places the two (2) teams will be equally ranked first, the next team will then be third and so on.
16.6.6 Result Book The result book will be only produced in IPC Games, IPC Competitions and WPPO Sanctioned Competitions. The result book must be published by WPPO within fifteen (15) days of the end of competition.
16.7 Medal Awards
16.7.1 At all WPPO Recognized Competitions medals will be awarded to all the respective athletes within both individual and team events as displayed below, and in accordance to the event viability criteria in Rule 11.5:
• 1st Gold
• 2nd Silver
• 3rd Bronze
16.7.2 Where two (2) athletes achieve the same competition result, the athlete with the lightest bodyweight will be ranked higher.
16.7.3 If two (2) athletes achieve the same competition result and have registered an identical bodyweight at the weigh in, then the respective rank will be shared and two (2) medals awarded as follows:
• In case there are two (2) gold medal winners, two (2) gold and a bronze medal will be awarded.
• In case there are two (2) silver medal winners, gold a. two (2) silver medals will be awarded.
• In case there are two (2) bronze medal winners, gold, a silver and two (2) bronze medal will be awarded.
16.7.4 During the victory ceremony, two (2) flags can be flown from the same pole; they shall be hung in alphabetical order of the language of the host country from top to bottom. Both country anthems shall be played in the same order.
16.7.5 Only when a stand-alone equivalent junior competition is not offered (Example: WPPO World Cups) and both junior and senior athletes are permitted to compete together within the same bodyweight category, then should a junior athlete achieve a high enough competition result to win a medal within the senior competition also, then they will be awarded two (2) medals (junior and senior event medals). With the exception of IPC Games, regional and sub-regional pall Games, and the WPPO Senior Championships should juniors qualify to compete they will be regarded as a senior and will compete to achieve the single available senior medals only.
6.7.6 The awarding of medals must be carried out in full accordance with the IPC Protocol Guide.
16.8 Rankings
16.8.1 WPPO will maintain a ranking system based on the best lift of each athlete, which will determine their respective rank within the respective ranking system as follows:
• Individual World
• Regional Rankings,
• Paralympic Rankings,
• Team World Rankings
• Team Regional rankings
16.8.2 Paralympic rankings are only given if the required criterion is met as detailed in the WPPO 2017-2020 Qualification Pathway in Appendix
16.8.3 Where two (2) athletes have the same best lift, the athlete with the lightest bodyweight will be ranked higher.
16.8.4 Only athletes that are licensed for that competition season by the date of the competition, and have a Sport Class Status of confirmed, review or review with a fixed date of the year of the competition or later will have their result recognized in the WPPO ranking system.
World Para Powerlifting Classification Rules and Regulations
January 2018
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Part One: General Provisions 5
1 Scope and Application 5
2 R.s and Responsibilities 7
Part Two: Classification Personnel 9
3 Classification Personnel 9
4 Classifier Competencies Training and Certification 10
5 Classifier Code of Conduct 13
Part Three: Athlete Evaluation 14
6 General Provisions 14
7 Eligible Impairment 14
8 Minimum Impairment Criteria 17
9 Sport Class 18
10 Classification Not Completed 18
Part Four: Athlete Evaluation and the Classificatbn panel 20
11 The Classification Panel 20
12 Classificatbn Panel Responsibilities 20
13 Evaluation Sessions 21
14 Sport Class Status 22
15 Notification 25
Part Five: Sport Class Not Eligible 26
16 Sport Class Not Eligible 26
Part Six: Protests 28
Protests 28
17 Scope of a Protest 28
18 Parties Permitted to M. a Prot 28
19 National Protests 28
20 National Protest Procedure 28
21 World Para Powerlifting Protests 30
22 World Para Powerlifting Protest Procedure 30
23 Protest Panel 30
24 Provisions Where No Protest Parssl Is Available 31
25 Special Provisions 32
Application during Major Competitbns 32
26 Ad H. Provisions Relating to Protests 32
Part Seven: Misconduct during Evaluation Session 33
27 Failure to Attend Evaluation Session 33
28 Suspension of Evaluation Sess 33
Part Eight: Medical R 35
29 Medical Rev 35
Part Nine: intentional Misrepresentation 36
30 intentional Misrepresentation 36
Part Ten: Use of Athlete information 38
31 Classification Data 38
32 Consent and Processing 38
33 Classification Research 38
34 Notification to Athletes 39
35 Classification Data Security 39
36 Disclosures of Classification Data 39
37 Retaining Classification Data 39
38 Access Rights to Classification Data 40
39 Classification Mast. Usts 40
Part Eleven: Appeals 41
40 Appeal 41
41 Parties Permitted to Make an Appeal 41
42 Appeals 41
43 Ad Hoc Provisions Relating to Appeal 41
Part Twelve: Glossary 42
Appendix One 48
1 Eligible Impairment Types 48
2 Minimum Impairment Criteria 50
3 Assessment Methodology 51
Appendix Two 56
4 Non-Eligible Impairment Types for all Athletes 56
5 Health Conditions that are not Underlying Health Conditions
for all Athletes
Part One: General Provisions
1 Scope and Application
1.1 These Classification Rules and Regulations are referred to throughout this document as the 'Classification Rules'. They have been prepared by World Para Powerlifting to implement the requirements of the 2015 IPC Athlete Classification Code (the 'Code') and International Standards.
1.2 The Classification Rules have been adopted by World Para Powerlifting on 01 January 2018.
1.3 These Classification Rules refer to a number of Appendices. These Appendices form an integral part of the Classification Rules.
1.4 These Classification Rules form part of the World Para Powerlifting Rules and Regulations.
1.5 The Classification Rules are supplemented by a number of Classification forms that have been prepared to assist Athlete Evaluation. These forms are available from World Para Powerlifting, and may be amended by World Para Powerlifting from time to time.
1.6 Classification is undertaken to:
1.6.1 Define who is eligible to compete in Para sport and consequently who has the opportunity to reach the goal of becoming a Paralympic Athlete; and
1.6.2 Group Athletes into Sport Classes which aim to ensure that the impact of Impairment is minimized and sporting excellence determines which Athlete or team is ultimately victorious.
1.7 These Classification Rules apply to all Athletes and Athlete Support Personnel who are registered and/or licensed with World Para Powerlifting, and/or participate in any Events or Competitions organized, authorized or recognized by World Para Powerlifting.
1.8 These Classification RuIes must be read and applied in conjunction with all other applicable rules of World Para Powerlifting including but not limited to the World Para Powerlifting Rules and Regulations. In the event of any conflict between the. Classification Rules and any other rules, the Classification Rules shall prevail.
International Classification
1.9 World Para Powerlifting will only permit an Athlete to compete in n IPC Games, IPC Competition or a World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competition if that Athlete has been allocated a Sport Class (other than Sport Class Not Eligible) and designated with a Sport Class Status in accordance with these Classification Rules.
1.10 World Para Powerlifting will provide opportunities for Athletes to be allocated a Sport Class and designated with a Sport Class Status in accordance with the. Classification Rules at World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions (or other such locations as defined by World Para Powerlifting). World Para Powerlifting will advise Athlete% National Bodies and National Paralympic Committees in advance as to such World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions (or other such locations).
Interpretation and Relationship to the Code
1.11 References to an 'Article' mean an Article of the. Classification Rules, references to an 'Appendix' mean an Appendix to these Classification Rules, a 'Section' means a section of an Appendix and Capitalized terms used in these Classification Rules have the meaning given to them in the Glossary to the. Classification Rules.
1.12 References to a 'sport' in these Classification Rules refer to both a sport and an individual discipline within a sport.
1.13 The Appendices to the. Classification Rules are part of the. Classification Rules both of which may be amended, supplemented and/or replaced by the World Para Powerlifting from time to time.
1.14 Headings used in these Classification Rules are u.d for convenience only and have no meaning that is separate from the Article or Articles to which they refer.
1.15 All references to the words "he", "his" or "him" in these Classification Rules also mean the words "she", "hers" or "her".
1.16 These Classification Ru. Are to be applied and interpreted as an independent text but in a manner that is consistent with the 2015 IPC Athlete Classification Code and the accompanying International Standards. In the event of any conflict between these Classification Ru. and the Code or International Standards, the Code and International Standardsshall prevail.
1.17 The IPC acts as the International Federation and governs the sport of Para powerlifting It carries out these responsibilities under the name "World Para Powerlifting" and the term "World Para Powerlifting" must be read in these Rules as the IPC and vice versa.
1.18 The IPC Handbook is an integral part of the governance of the sport of Para powerlifting
Printing of the Rules
1.19 These Classification Rules are the copyright property of the IPC and have been published for the benefit of Athletes, Athlete Support Personnel, National Bodies, National Paralympic Committees and others who are engaged in an official capacity with World Para Powerlifting. These Classification Rules may be reprinted or translated by any organization with a legitimate need to do so, subject to IPC's continuing ability to assert its copyright in the Classification Rules, including the right to insist on an assignment to the IPC of the copyright in any translated version of these Classification Rules. Any other organization must obtain the permission of the IPC prior to reprinting, translating or publishing these Classification Rules.
1.20 The English version of these Classification Rules shall be accepted as the authoritative version for the purpose of interpretation.
Amendments to the Rules
1.21 After the conclusion of each Paralympic Games, the IPC shall undertake a review of these Classification Rules, in consultation with National Bodies, National Paralympic Committees and any relevant International Organizations of Sports for the Disabled, in accordance with the IPC Handbook (located on the IPC website) All amendments shall be implemented prior to the start of the second year following the relevant Paralympic Games.
1.22 These Classification Rules also may be amended at any time by the IPC as a result, for example, of changes in the World Para Powerlifting Rules and Regulations or where World Para Powerlifting otherwise considers it necessary to do so.
2 Roles and Responsibilities
2.1 It is the personal responsibility of Athletes, Athlete Support Personnel, and Classification Personnel to familiarize themselves with all the requirements of these Classification Rules.
Athlete Responsibilities
2.2 The roles and responsibilities of Athletes include to:
2.2.1 Be knowledgeable of and comply with all applicable policies, rules and processes established by these Classification Rules;
2.2.2 Participate in Athlete Evaluation in good faith;
2.2.3 Ensure that adequate information related to Underlying Health Conditions and Eligible Impairments is provided and/or made available to World Para Powerlifting;
2.2.4 Co-operate with any investigations concerning violations of these Classification Rules; and
2.2.5 Actively participate in the process of education, awareness, and Classification research, through exchanging personal experiences and expertise.
Athlete Support Personnel Responsibilities
2.3 The roles and responsibilities of Athlete Support Personnel include to:
2.3.1 Be knowledgeable of and comply with all applicable policies, rules and processes established by these Classification Rules;
2.3.2 Use their influence on Athlete values and behaviour to foster a positive and collaborative Classification attitude and communication;
2.3.3 Assist in the development, management and implementation of Classification Systems; and
2.3.4 Co-operate with any investigations concerning violations of these Classification Rules
Classification Personnel Responsibilities
2.4 The roles and responsibilities of Classification Personnel include to:
2.4.1 Have a complete working knowledge of all applicable policies, rules and processes established by these Classification Rules;
2.4.2 Use their influence to foster a positive and collaborative Classification attitude and communication;
2.4.3 Assist in the development, management and implementation of Classification Systems, including participation in education and research; and
2.4.4 Cooperate with any investigations concerning violations of these Classification Rules.
Part Two: Classification Personnel
3 Classification Personnel
3.1 Classification Personnel are fundamental to the effective implementation of these Classification Rules. World Para Powerlifting will appoint a number of Classification Personnel, each of whom will have a key role in the organization, implementation and administration of Classification for World Para Powerlifting.
Head of Classification
3.2 World Para Powerlifting must appoint a Head of Classification. The Head of Classification is a person responsible for the direction, administration, co-ordination and implementation of Classification matters for World Para Powerlifting.
3.3 If a Head of Classification cannot be appointed, World Para Powerlifting may appoint another person, or group of persons collectively (provided such person or group of persons agrees to comply with the Classifier Code of Conduct), to act as the Head of Classification.
3.4 The Head of Classification is not required to be a certified Classifier.
3.5 The Head of Classification may delegate specific responsibilities and/or the transfer specific tasks to designated Classifiers, or other persons authorized by World Para Powerlifting.
3.6 Nothing in these Classification Rules prevents the Head of Classification (if certified as a Classifier) from also being appointed as a Classifier and/or Chief Classifier.
3.7 A Classifier is a person authorized as an official and certified by World Para Powerlifting to conduct some or all components of Athlete Evaluation as a member of a Classification Panel.
Chief Classifiers
3.8 A Chief Classifier is a Classifier appointed to direct, administer, co-ordinate and implement Classification matters for a specific Competition or at such other location as defined by World Para Powerlifting. In particular, a Chief Classifier may be required by World Para Powerlifting to do the following:
3.8.1 Identify those Athletes who will be required to attend an Evaluation Session;
3.8.2 Supervise Classifiers to ensure that the these Classification Rules are properly applied during Classification;
3.8.3 Manage Protests in consultation with World Para Powerlifting; and
3.8.4 Liaise with the relevant Competition organizers to ensure that all travel, accommodation and other logistics are arranged in order that Classifiers may carry out their duties at the Competition.
3.9 A Chief Classifier may delegate specific responsibilities and/or transfer specific tasks to other appropriately qualified Classifiers, or other appropriately qualified World Para Powerlifting officers or representatives, and/or appropriately qualified persons in the local organizing committee of a Competition.
Trainee Classifiers
3.10 A Trainee Classifier is a person who is in the process of formal training by World Para Powerlifting.
3.11 World Para Powerlifting may appoint Trainee Classifiers to participate in some or all components of Athlete Evaluation under the supervision of a Classification Panel, to develop Classifier Competencies.
4 Classifier Competencies, Training and Certification
4.1 A Classifier will be authorized to act as a Classifier if that Classifier has been certified by World Para Powerlifting as having the relevant Classifier Competencies.
4.2 World Para Powerlifting must provide training and education to Classifiers to ensure Classifiers obtain and/or maintain Classifier Competencies.
4.3 World Para Powerlifting must specify and publish Classifier Competencies in a manner that is transparent and accessible. The Classifier Competencies must include that a Classifier has:
4.3.1 A thorough understanding of these Classification Rules;
4.3.2 An understanding of Para powerlifting, including an understanding of the World Para Powerlifting Rules and Regulations;
4.3.3 An understanding of the Code and the International Standards; and
4.3.4 A professional qualification(s), level of experience, skills and/or competencies in order to act as a Classifier for World Para Powerlifting. These include that Classifiers must either:
a) be a certified health professional in a field relevant to the Eligible Impairment category which World Para Powerlifting at its sole discretion deems acceptable, such as a physician or physiotherapist for Athletes with a Physical Impairment; or
b) have an extensive coaching or other relevant background in Para powerlifting; or a recognized and reputable academic qualification which encompasses a requisite level of anatomical, biomechanical and sport-specific expertise, which World Para Powerlifting in its sole discretion deems to be acceptable.
4.4 World Para Powerlifting must establish a process of Classifier Certification by which Classifier Competencies are assessed. This process includes:
4.4.1 A process for the certification of Trainee Classifiers;
4.4.2 Quality assessment for the period of certificatior,
4.4.3 A process for handling substandard performance, including options for remediation and/or withdrawal of certification; and
4.4.4 A process for Re-certification of Classifiers.
4.5 World Para Powerlifting must specify Entry-Level Criteria applicable to persons who wish to become Trainee Classifiers. World Para Powerlifting will provide Entry-Level Education to Trainee Classifiers.
4.6 World Para Powerlifting must provide Continuing Education to Classifiers for the purposes of Certification and Re-certification.
4.7 World Para Powerlifting may provide that a Classifier is subject to certain limitations, including (but not limited to).
4.7.1 A limitation on the Impairment type for which a Classifier is certified to act as a Classifier;
4.7.2 A limitation on the components of Athlete Evaluation that a Classifier is certified to conduct;
4.7.3 A limitation on the level of Competition or Event that a Classifier is authorized to act as a Classifier;
4.7.4 The maximum period of time that a Classifier Certification is valid;
4.7.5 That Classifier Certification is subject to review within a specific time frame by reference to the Classifier Competencies;
4.7.6 That a Classifier may lose Classifier Certification if World Para Powerlifting is not satisfied that the Classifier possesses the required Classifier Competencies; and/or
4.7.7 That a Classifier may regain Classifier Certification if World Para Powerlifting is satisfied that the Classifier possesses the required Classifier Competencies.
c) Further intonation about the World Para Powerlifting Pathways and Education Programmes can be found here:
5 Classifier Code of Conduct
5.1 The integrity of Classification in World Para Powerlifting depends on the conduct of Classification Personnel. World Para Powerlifting has therefore adopted a set of professional conduct standards referred to as the 'Classifier Code of Conduct'.
5.2 All Classification Personnel must comply with the Classifier Code of Conduct.
5.3 Any person who believes that any Classification Personnel may have acted in a manner that contravenes the Classifier Code of Conduct must report this to World Para Powerlifting.
5.4 If World Para Powerlifting receives such a report it will investigate the report and, if appropriate, take disciplinary measures.
5.5 World Para Powerlifting has discretion to determine whether or not a Classifier has an actual, perceived and/or potential conflict of interest.
Part Three: Athlete Evaluation
6 General Provisions
6.1 World Para Powerlifting has specified in these Classification Rules the process, assessment criteria and methodology whereby Athletes will be allocated a Sport Class and designated a Sport Class Status. This process is referred to as Athlete Evaluation.
6.2 Athlete Evaluation encompasses a number of steps and these Classification Rules therefore include provisions regarding:
6.2.1 An assessment of whether or not an Athlete has an Eligible Impairment for the sport:
6.2.2 An assessment of whether an Athlete complies with Minimum Impairment Criteria for World Para Powerlifting; and
6.2.3 The allocation of a Sport Class (and designation of a Sport Class Status) depending on the extent to which an Athlete is able to execute the specific tasks and activities fundamental to the sport.
7 Eligible Impairment
7.1 Any Athlete wishing to compete in Para powerlifting must have an Eligible Impairment and that Eligible Impairment must be Permanent.
7.2 Appendix One of these Classification Rules specifies the Eligible Impairment(s) an Athlete must have in order to compete in Para powerlifting.
7.3 Any Impairment that is not listed as an Eligible Impairment in Appendix One is referred to as a Non-Eligible Impairment. Appendix Two includes examples of Non-Eligible Impairments.
Assessment of Eligible Impairment
7.4 World Para Powerlifting must determine if an Athlete has an Eligible Impairment
7.4.1 In order to be satisfied that an Athlete has an Eligible Impairment, World Para Powerlifting may require an Athlete to provide evidence that he has a Health Condition that leads to an Eligible Impairment (an Underlying Health Condition). Appendix Two lists examples of Health Conditions that are not Underlying Health Conditions.
7.4.2 The means by which World Para Powerlifting determines that an individual Athlete has an Eligible Impairment is at the sole discretion of World Para Powerlifting. World Para Powerlifting may consider that an Athlete's Eligible Impairment is sufficiently obvious and therefore does not require evidence that demonstrates the Athlete's Eligible Impairment
7.4.3 If in the course of determining if an Athlete has an Eligible Impairment World Para Powerlifting becomes aware that the Athlete has a Health Condition, and believes that the impact of that Health Condition may be that it is unsafe for that Athlete to compete or there is a risk to the health of the Athlete (or other Athletes) if that Athlete competes, it may designate the Athlete as Classification Not Completed (CNC) in accordance with Article 10 of these Classification Rules. In such instances World Para Powerlifting will explain the basis of its designation to the relevant National Body and/or National Paralympic Committee.
7.5 Athletes are required to supply World Para Powerlifting with Diagnostic Information that must be provided as follows:
7.5.1 The relevant National Body and/or National Paralympic Committee must submit a Medical Diagnostics Form to World Para Powerlifting, upon completing the registration of an Athlete.
7.5.2 The Medical Diagnostics Form must be completed in English and dated and signed by a certified medical doctor.
7.5.3 The Medical Diagnostics. Form must be submitted with supportive Diagnostic Information if required by World Para Powerlifting.
7.6 World Para Powerlifting may require an Athlete to re-submit the Medical Diagnostics Form (with necessary supportive Diagnostic Information) if World Para Powerlifting in its sole discretion considers the Medical Diagnostics. Form and/or the Diagnostic Information to be incomplete and/or inconsistent.
7.7 World Para Powerlifting may consider the Diagnostic Information itself, and/or may appoint an Eligibility Assessment Committee to do so.
7.8 The process. By which an Eligibility Assessment Committee is formed and considers Diagnostic Information is as follows:
7.8.1 World Para Powerlifting will notify the relevant National Body or National Paralympic Committee that Diagnostic Information must be provided on behalf of the Athlete. The Head of Classification will explain what Diagnostic Information is required, and the purposes for which it is required.
7.8.2 The Head of Classification will set timelines for the production of Diagnostic Information.
7.8.3 The Head of Classification will appoint an Eligibility Assessment Committee. The Eligibility Assessment Committee must, be comprised of the Head of Classification and at least two (2) other experts with appropriate medical qualifications (as determined by World Para Powerlifting). All members of the Eligibility Assessment Committee must sign confidentiality undertakings.
7.8.4 If the Head of Classification considers that he does not hold the necessary competencies to assess the Diagnostic Information, he will not participate in the review of the Diagnostic Information, but will assist the Eligibility Assessment Committee.
7.8.5 Wherever possible all references to the individual Athlete and the source(s) of the Diagnostic Information must be withheld from the Eligibility Assessment Committee. Each member of the Eligibility Assessment Committee will review the Diagnostic Information and decide whether such information establishes the existence of an Eligible Impairment.
7.8.6 If the Eligibility Assessment Committee concludes that the Athlete has an Eligible Impairment with the stated Underlying Health Condition the Athlete will be permitted to complete Athlete Evaluation with a Classification Panel.
7.8.7 If the Eligibility Assessment Committee is not satisfied that the Athlete has an Underlying Health Condition the Head of Classification will provide a decision to this effect in writing to the relevant National Body or National Paralympic Committee. The National Body or National Paralympic Committee will be given an opportunity to comment on the decision and may provide further Diagnostic Information to the Eligibility Assessment Committee for review. If the decision is subsequently revised, the Head of Classification will inform the National Body or National Paralympic Committee.
7.8.8 If the decision is not changed, the Head of Classification will issue a final decision letter to the National Body or National Paralympic Committee and the Athlete will be allocated Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) in accordance with the provisions of Article 16.3 of the. Classification Rules.
7.8.9 The Eligibility Assessment Committee must make its decisions by a majority. If the Head of Classification participates. In the review of the Diagnostic information, he may veto any decision if he does not agree that the Diagnostic Information supports the conclusion that the Athlete has an Eligible Impairment.
7.9 World Para Powerlifting may delegate one (1) more of the functions described above to a Classification Panel.
8 Minimum Impairment Criteria
8.1 An Athlete who wishes to compete in a sport mu. have an Eligible Impairment that complies with the relevant Minimum Impairment Criteria for that sport.
8.2 World Para Powerlifting has .t Minimum Impairment Criteria to ensure that an Athlete's Eligible Impairment affects the extent to which an Athlete is able to execute the specific tasks and activities fundamental to the sport.
8.3 Appendix One of the. Classification Rulesspecifiesthe Minimum Impairment Criteria applicable to each sport and the process by which an Athlete's compliance with Minimum Impairment Criteria is to be asse.ed by a Classification Panel as part of an Evaluation S.sion.
8.4 Any Athlete who does not comply with the Minimum Impairment Criteria for sport must be allocated Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) for that sport.
8.5 A Classification Panel must. Assess whether or not an Athlete complies with Minimum impairment Criteria. This will take place as part of an Evaluation Session. Prior to participating in an Evaluation Session, an Athlete must first satisfy World Para Powerlifting that he has an Eligible Impairment.
8.6 In relation to the u. of Adaptive Equipment, World Para Powerlifting has .t Minimum Impairment Criteria as follows:
8.6.1 For Eligible Impairments, Minimum Impairment Criteria mu. not consider the extent to which the use of Adaptive Equipment might affect how the Athlete is able to execute the specific tasks and activities fundamental to the sport
9 Sport Class
9.1 A Sport Class is a category defined by World Para Powerlifting in these Classification Rules, in which Athletes are grouped by reference to the impact of an Eligible .Impairment on their ability to execute the specific tasks and activities fundamental to a sport.
9.1.1 An Athlete who does not have an Eligible Impairment or does not comply with the Minimum Impairment Criteria for a sport must be allocated Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) for that sport in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of these Classification Rules.
9.1.2 An Athlete who complies with the Minimum Impairment Criteria for a sport must be allocated a Sport Class (subject to Article 27and Article 28).
9.1.3 Except for the allocation of Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) by World Para Powerlifting (in accordance with Article 16.1), the allocation of a Sport Class must be based solely on an evaluation by a Classification Panel of the extent to which the Athlete's Eligible Impairment affects the specific tasks and activities fundamental to sport. This evaluation must take place in a controlled non-competitive environment, which allows for the repeated observation of key tasks and activities.
9.2 Appendix One of these Classification Rules specifies the assessment methodology and assessment criteria for the allocation of a Sport Class and the designation of Sport Class Status.
10 Classification Not Completed
10.1 If at any stage of Athlete Evaluation World Para Powerlifting or a Classification Panel is unable to allocate a Sport Class to an Athlete, World Para Powerlifting, the Head of Classification or the relevant Chief Classifier may designate that Athlete as Classification Not Completed (CNC).
10.2 The designation Classification Not Completed ICNC) is not a Sport Class and is not subject to the provisions in these Classification Rules concerning Protests. The designation Classification Not Completed (CNC) will however be recorded for the purpose of the World Para Powerlifting Classification Master List.
10.3 An Athlete who is designated as Classification Not Completed (CNC) may not compete in the sport of Para powerlifting. See Article 28 for remediation.
Part Four: Athlete Evaluation and the Classification Panel
11 The Classification Panel
11.1 A Classification Panel is a group of Classifiers appointed by World Para Powerlifting to conduct some or all of the components of Athlete Evaluation including as part of an Evaluation Session.
General Provisions
11.2 A Classification Panel must be comprised of at least of two (2) certified Classifiers. In exceptional circumstances a Chief Classifier may provide that a Classification Panel is comprised of only one (1) Classifier, subject to that Classifier holding a valid medical qualification.
11.3 A Trainee Classifier may be part of a Classification Panel in addition to the required number of certified Classifiers, and may participate in Athlete Evaluation.
12 Classification Panel Responsibilities
12.1 A Classification Panel is responsible for conducting an Evaluation Session. As part of the Evaluation Session the Classification Panel must:
12.1.1 Assess whether an Athlete complies with Minimum Impairment Criteria for the sport; and
12.1.2 Assess the extent to which an Athlete is able to execute the specific tasks and activities fundamental to the sport
12.2 Prior to the Evaluation Session, the assessment as to whether an Athlete has an Eligible Impairment must be undertaken by World Para Powerlifting, unless World Para Powerlifting requests this to be undertaken by a Classification Panel.
12.3 Following the Evaluation Session the Classification Panel must allocate a Sport Class and designate a Sport Class Status, or designate Classification Not Completed (CNC). 12.4 The Evaluation Session must take place in a controlled non-competitive environment that allows for the repeated observation of key tasks and activities.
12.4.1 Although other factors such as low fitness level, poor technical proficiency and aging may also affect the fundamental tasks and activities of the sport, the allocation of Sport Class must not be affected by these factors.
12.5 An Athlete who has a Non-Eligible Impairment and an Eligible Impairment may be evaluated by a Classification Panel on the basis of the Eligible Impairment, provided the Non-Eligible Impairment does not affect the Classification Panel's ability to allocate a Sport Class
12.6 The Sport Class allocated to the Athlete will be in accordance with the processes specified in Appendix One.
13 Evaluation Sessions
13.1 This Article applies to all Evaluation Sessions.
13.2 The Athlete's National Body or National Paralympic Committee is responsible for ensuring that Athletes comply with their duties in relation to the provisions in this Article.
13.3 In respect of Athletes:
13.3.1 Athletes have the right to be accompanied by a member of the Athlete's National Body or National Paralympic Committee when attending an Evaluation Session. The Athlete must be accompanied if the Athlete is a minor according to his national laws or lacks legal capacity according to his national laws.
13.3.2 The person chosen by the Athlete to accompany the Athlete at an Evaluation Session must be familiar with the Athlete's Impairment and sport history.
13.3.3 The Athlete and accompanying person must acknowledge the terms of the Athlete Evaluation Agreement Form as specified by World Para Powerlifting.
13.3.4 The Athlete must verify his identity to the satisfaction of the Classification Panel, by providing a document such as a passport, photo ID card, World Para Powerlifting license card or event accreditation.
13.3.5 The Athlete must attend the Evaluation Session with any sports attire or equipment relevant to the sport for which the Athlete wishes to be allocated a Sport Class.
13.3.6 The Athlete must disclose the use of all medications (prescription and no, prescription) and/or medical device/implant to the Classification Panel.
13.3.7 The Athlete must comply with all reasonable instructions provided by a Classification Panel.
13.4 In respect of the Classification Panel:
13.4.1 The Classification Panel may request that an Athlete provide medical documentation relevant to the Athlete's Eligible Impairment if the Classification Panel believes that this will be necessary to allocate a Sport Class.
13.4.2 The Classification Panel will conduct Evaluation Sessions in English unless. otherwise stipulated by World Para Powerlifting. If the Athlete requires an interpreter, a member of the Athlete's National Body or National Paralympic Committee will be responsible for arranging for an interpreter. The interpreter is permitted to attend the Evaluation Session in addition to the person referred to in Article 13.3.1 above.
13.4.3 The Classification Panel may at any stage seek medical, technical or scientific opinion(s), with the agreement of the Head of Classification and/or a Chief Classifier if the Classification Panel feels that such opinion.) is necessary in order to allocate a Sport Class.
13.4.4 In addition to any opinion(s) sought in accordance with Article 13.4.3, a Classification Panel may only have regard to evidence supplied to it by the relevant Athlete, National Body, National Paralympic Committee and World Para Powerlifting (from any source) when allocating a Sport Class.
13.4.5 The Classification Panel may make, create or use video footage and/or other records to assist it when allocating a Sport Class.
14 Sport Class Status
14.1 If a Classification Panel allocates a Sport Class to an Athlete, it must also designate a Sport Class Status. The Sport Class Status indicates whether or not an Athlete will be required to undertake Athlete Evaluation in the future; and if the Athlete's Sport Class may be subject to Protest.
14.2 The Sport Class Status designated to an Athlete by a Classification Panel at the conclusion of an Evaluation Session will be one of the following:
14.2.1 Confirmed (C)
14.2.2 Review (R)
14.2.3 Review with a Fixed Review Date (FRD)
Sport Class Status New
14.3 An Athlete is allocated Sport Class Status New (N) by World Para Powerlifting prior to attending the Athlete's first Evaluation Session. An Athlete with Sport Class Status New (N) must attend an Evaluation Session prior to competing at any IPC Games, IPC Competition, or World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competition unless World Para Powerlifting determines otherwise.
Sport Class Status Confirmed
14.4 An Athlete will be designated with Sport Class Status Confirmed (C) if the Classification Panel is satisfied that both the Athlete's Eligible Impairment and the Athlete's ability to execute the specific tasks and activities fundamental to the sport a re and will remain stable.
14.4.1 An Athlete with Sport Class Status Confirmed (C) is not required to undergo any further Athlete Evaluation (except for the provisions in these Classification Rules concerning Protests (Article 17% Medical Review (Article 29) and changes to Sport Class criteria (Article 14.7)).
14.4.2 A Classification Panel that consists of only one (1) Classifier may not designate an Athlete with Sport Class Status Confirmed (C) but must designate the Athlete with Sport Class Status Review (R).
Sport Class Status Review
14.5 An Athlete will be designated Sport Class Status Review (R) if the Classification Panel believes that further Evaluation Sessions will be required.
14.5.1 A Classification Panel may base its belief that further Evaluation Sessions will be required based on a number of factors, including but not limited to situations where the Athlete has only recently entered Competitions sanctioned or recognized by World Para Powerlifting, has a fluctuating and/or progressive Impairment/Impairments that is/are permanent but not stable; and/or has not yet reached full musculoskeletal or sports maturity.
14.5.2 An Athlete with Sport Class Status Review CR) must complete Athlete Evaluation prior to competing at any subsequent IPCC Competition or World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competition unless World Para Powerlifting determines otherwise.
Sport Class Status Review with Fixed Review Date
14.6 An Athlete may be designated Sport Class Status Review with a Fixed Review Date (FRD) if the Classification Panel believes that further Athlete Evaluation will be required but will not be necessary before a set date, being the Fixed Review Date.
14.6.1 An Athlete with Sport Class Status Review with a Fixed Review Date (FR D) will be required to attend an Evaluation Session at the first opportunity after the relevant Fixed Review Date. For example, an Athlete with Sport Class. Status Review with a Fixed Review Date of 2018 will be required to attend an Evaluation Session at his first opportunity after 01 January 2018.
14.6.2 An Athlete who has been allocated Sport Class Status Review with a Fixed Review Date (FRD) may not attend an Evaluation Session prior to the relevant Fix. Review Date except for a Medical Review Request and/or Protest.
14.6.3 A Classification Panel that consists of only one (1) Classifier may not designate an Athlete with Sport Class Status Review with a Fixed Review Date (FRD) but must designate the Athlete with Sport Class Status Review (R).
Changes to Sport Class Criteria
14.7 If World Para Powerlifting changes any Sport Class criteria and/ or assessment methods defined in the Appendices to the. Rules, then.
14.7.1 World Para Powerlifting may re-assign any Athlete who holds Sport Class Status Confirmed (C) with Sport Class Status Review (R) and require that the Athlete attend an Evaluation Session at the earliest available opportunity; or
14.7.2 World Para Powerlifting may remove the Fixed Review Date for any Athlete and require that the Athlete attend an Evaluation Session at the earliest available opportunity; and
14.7.3 In both instances the relevant National Body or National Paralympic Committee shall be informed as soon as is practicable.
15 Notification
15.1 The outcome of Athlete Evaluation must be notified to the Athlete and/or National Body or National Paralympic Committee and published as soon as practically possible after completion of Athlete Evaluation.
5.2 World Para Powerlifting must publish the outcome of Athlete Evaluation at the Competition following Athlete Evaluation, and the outcomes must be made available post Competition via the Classification Master List on the World Para Powerlifting website.
Part Five: Sport Class Not Eligible
16 Sport Class Not Eligible
General Provisions
16.1 If World Para Powerlifting determines that an Athlete:
16.1.1 Has an Impairment that is not an Eligible Impairment; or
16.1.2 Does not have an Underlying Health Condition, World Para Powerlifting must allocate that Athlete Sport Class Not Eligible (NE).
16.2 If a Classification Panel determines that an Athlete who has an Eligible Impairment does not comply with Minimum Impairment Criteria for a sport that Athlete must be allocated Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) for that sport.
16.3 If World Para Powerlifting determines that an Athlete does not have an Eligible Impairment, that Athlete:
16.3.1 Will not be permitted to attend an Evaluation Session; and
16.3.2 Will be allocated with Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) and designated with Sport Class Status Confirmed (C) by World Para Powerlifting.
16.4 If another International Sport Federation has allocated an Athlete with Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) because the Athlete does not have an Eligible Impairment World Para Powerlifting may likewise do so without the need for the process detailed in Article 7 of these Classification Rules
16.5 An Athlete who is allocated Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) by World Para Powerlifting or a Classification Panel (if delegated by World Para Powerlifting) because that Athlete has
16.5.1 An Impairment that is not an Eligible Impairment; or
16.5.2 A Health Condition that is not an eligible Underlying Health Condition; has no right to request such determination be reviewed by a second Classification Panel and will not be permitted to participate in any sport.
Absence of Compliance with Minimum Impairment Criteria
16.6 A second Classification Panel must review by way of a second Evaluation Session any Athlete who is allocated Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) on the basis that a Classification Panel determines that the Athlete does not comply with Minimum Impairment Criteria. This must take place as soon as is practicable.
16.6.1 Pending the second Evaluation Session the Athlete will be allocated Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) and designated Sport Class Status Review (R). The Athlete will not be permitted to compete before such re-assessment.
16.6.2 If the second Classification Panel determines the Athlete does not comply with Minimum Impairment Criteria (or if the Athlete decline.° participate in a second Evaluation Sessionat the time At by the Chief Classified; Sport Class Not Eligible {NE) will be allocated and the Athlete design.. with Sport Class Status Confirmed (C).
16.7 If an Athlete makes (or is subject to) a Protest on a previously allocated Sport Class other than Not Eligible (NE) and is allocated Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) by a Protest Panel, the Athlete must be provided with a further and final Evaluation Session which will review the decision to allocate Sport Class Not Eligible {NE) made by the Protest Panel.
16.8 If a Classification Panel allocates Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) on the basis that it has determined that an Athlete does not comply with Minimum Impairment Criteria for a sport the Athlete may be eligible to compete in another sport, subject to Athlete Evaluation for that sport.
16.9 If an Athlete is allocated Sport Class NA Eligible (NE), this does not question the presence of a genuine Impairment. It is only a ruling on the eligibility of the Athlete to compete in the sport of Para powerlifting.
Part Six: Protests
17 Scope of a Protest
17.1 A Protest may only be made in respect of an Athlete's Sport Class. A Protest may not be made in respect of an Athlete's Sport Class Status
17.2 A Protest may not be made in respect of an Athlete who has been allocated Sport Class Not Eligible (NE).
18 Parties Permitted to Make a Protest
18.1 A Protest may only be made by one of the following bodies:
18.1.1 A National Body (see Articles 19-20); or
18.1.2 A National Paralympic Committee (see Articles 19-20); or 18.1.3 World Para Powerlifting (see Articles 21-22).
19 National Protests
19.1 A National Body or a National Paralympic Committee may only make a Protest in respect of an Athlete under its jurisdiction at a Competition or venue set aside for Athlete Evaluation.
19.2 Once the outcome of Athlete Evaluation is published, a National Protest must be submitted within one (1) hour of that outcome being published.
20 National Protest Procedure
20.1 To submit a National Protest, a National Body or a National Paralympic Committee must show that the Protest is bona fide with supporting evidence and complete a Protest Form, that must be made available by World Para Powerlifting at the Competition and via the World Para Powerlifting website, and must include the following:
20.1.1 The name and SDMS ID of the Protested Athlete;
20.1.2 The details of the Protested Decision and/or a copy of the Protested Decision;
20.1.3 An explanation as to why the Protest has been made and the basis on which the National Body or National Paralympic Committee believes that the Protested Decision is flawed;
20.1.4 Reference to the specific rule(s) alleged to have been breached; and
20.1.5 A Protest Fee of EUR (€) 150.
20.2 The Protest Documents must be submitted to the Chief Classifier of the relevant Competition within the timeframes specified in Article 19.2. Upon receipt of the Protest Documents the Chief Classifier must conduct a review of the Protest, in consultation with World Para Powerlifting, of which there are two (2) possible outcomes:
20.2.1 The Chief Classifier may dismiss the Protest if, in the discretion of the Chief Classifier, the Protest does not comply with the Protest requirements in this Article 20; or
20.2.2 The Chief Classifier may accept the Protest if, in the discretion of the Chief Classifier, the Protest complies with the Protest requirements in this Article
20. 2.3 If the Protest is dismissed the Chief Classifier must notify all relevant parties and provide a written explanation to the National Body or National Paralympic Committee as soon as practicable. The Protest Fee will be forfeited.
20.4 If the Protest is accepted:
20.4.1 The Protested Athlete's Sport Class must remain unchanged pending the outcome of the Protest but the Protested Athlete's Sport Class Status must immediately be changed to Review (R) unless the Protested Athlete's Sport Class Status is already Review (R);
20.4.2 The Chief Classifier must appoint a Protest Panel to conduct a new Evaluation Session as soon as possible, which must be either at the Competition the Protest was made or at the next Competition; and
20.4.3 World Para Powerlifting must notify all relevant parties of the time and date the new Evaluation Session is to be conducted by the Protest Panel.
21 World Para Powerlifting Protests
21.1 World Para Powerlifting may, in its discretion, make a Protest at any time in respect of an Athlete under its jurisdiction if:
21.1.1 It considers an Athlete may have been allocated an incorrect Sport Class; or
21.1.2 A National Body or National Paralympic Committee makes a documented request to World Para Powerlifting. The assessment of the validity of the request is at the sole discretion of World Para Powerlifting
22 World Para Powerlifting Protest Procedure
22.1 If World Para Powerlifting decides to make a Protest, the Head of Classification must advise the relevant National Body or National Paralympic Committee of the Protest at the earliest possible opportunity.
22.2 The Head of Classification must provide the relevant National Body or National Paralympic Committee with a written explanation as to why the Protest has been made and the basis on which the Head of Classification considers it is justified.
22.3 If World Para Powerlifting makes a Protest:
22.3.1 The Protested Athlete's Sport Class must remain unchanged pending the outcome of the Protest;
22.3.2 The Protested Athlete's Sport Class Status must immediately be changed to Review (R) unless the Protested Athlete's Sport Class Status is already Review (R); and
2.3.3 Protest Panel must be appointed to resolve the Protest as soon as is reasonably possible.
23 Protest Panel
23.1 A Chief Classifier may fulfil one or more of the Head of Classification's obligations in this Article 23 if authorized to do so by the Head of Classification.
23.2 A Protest Panel must be appointed by the Head of Classification in a manner consistent with the provisions for appointing a Classification Panel in these Classification Rules.
23.3 A Protest Panel must not include any person who was a member of the Classification Panel that:
23.3.1 Made the Protested Decision; or
23.3.2 Conducted any component of Athlete Evaluation in respect of the Protested Athlete within a period of twelve (12) months prior to the date of the Protested Decision, unless otherwise agreed by the National Body or National Paralympic Committee (whichever is relevant) and World Para Powerlifting.
23.4 The Head of Classification must notify all relevant parties of the time and date for the Evaluation Session that must be conducted by the Protest Panel.
23.5 The Protest Panel must conduct the new Evaluation Session in accordance with these Classification Rules. The Protest Panel must only refer to the Protest Documents after conducting the new Evaluation Session prior to allocating a Sport Class and designating a Sport Class Status.
23.6 The Protest Panel must allocate a Sport Class and designate a Sport Class Status. All relevant parties must be notified of the Protest Panel's decision in a manner consistent with the provisions for notification in these Classification Rules.
23.7 The decision of a Protest Panel in relation to both a National Protest and World Para Powerlifting Protest is final. A National Body, National Paralympic Committee or World Para Powerlifting may not make another Protest at the relevant Competition.
23.8 If the decision of the Protest Panel results in the Sport Class of the Athlete being changed, the Protest Fee will be refunded to the National Body or National Paralympic Committee (whichever is relevant).
24 Provisions Where No Protest Panel is Available
24.1 If a Protest is made at a Competition but there is no opportunity for the Protest to be resolved at that Competition:
24.1.1 The Protested Athlete must be permitted to compete in the Sport Class that is the subject of the Protest with Sport Class Status Review (F), pending the resolution of the Protest; and
24.1.2 All reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that the Protest is resolved at the earliest opportunity.
25 Special Provisions
25.1 World Para Powerlifting may make arrangements (subject to the approval of the IPC, for some or all of the components of Athlete Evaluation to be carried out at a place and at a time away from a Competition. If so, World Para Powerlifting must also implement Protest provisions to enable Protests to take place in respect of any Evaluation Sessions conducted away from a Competition.
Application during Major Competitions
26 Ad Hoc Provisions Relating to Protests
26.1 The IPC and/or World Para Powerlifting may issue special ad hoc provisions to operate during the Paralympic Games or other Competitions.
Part Seven: Misconduct during Evaluation Session
27 Failure to Attend Evaluation Session
27.1 An Athlete is personally responsible for attending an Evaluation Session.
27.2 An Athlete's National Body or National Paralympic Committee must take reasonable steps to ensure that the Athlete attends an Evaluation Session.
27.3 If an Athlete fails to attend an Evaluation Session, the Classification Panel will report the failure to the Chief Classifier. The Chief Classifier may, if satisfied that a reasonable explanation exists for the failure to attend and subject to the practicalities at a Competition, specify a revised date and time for the Athlete to attend a rescheduled Evaluation Session before the Classification Panel.
27.4 If the Athlete is unable to provide a reasonable explanation for non-attendance, or if the Athlete fails to attend an Evaluation Session on a second occasion, no Sport Class will be allocated and the Athlete will not be permitted to compete at the relevant Competition.
28 Suspension of Evaluation Session
28.1 A Classification Panel, in consultation with the Chief Classifier, may suspend an Evaluation Session if it cannot allocate a Sport Class to the Athlete, including but not limited to, in one or more of the following circumstances:
28.1.1 A failure on the part of the Athlete to comply with any part of these Classification Rules;
28.1.2 A failure on the part of the Athlete to provide any medical information that is reasonably required by the Classification Panel;
28.1.3 The Classification Panel believes that the use (or non-use) of any medication and/or medical procedures/devices/implants disclosed by the Athlete will affect the ability to conduct its determination in a fair manner;
28.1.4 he Athlete has a Health Condition that may limit or prohibit complying with requests by the Classification Panel during an Evaluation Session, which the Classification Panel considers will affect its ability to conduct the Evaluation Session in a fair manner;
28.1.5 The Athlete is unable to communicate effectively with the Classification Panel;
28.1.6 The Athlete refuses or is unable to comply with any reasonable instructions provided by any Classification Personnel to such an extent that the Evaluation Session cannot be conducted in a fair manner; and/or
28.1.7 The Athlete's representation of his abilities is inconsistent with any information available to the Classification Panel to such an extent that the Evaluation Session cannot be conducted in a fair manner.
28.2 If an Evaluation Session is suspended by a Classification Panel, the following steps must be taken:
28.2.1 An explanation for the suspension and details of the remedial action that is required on the part of the Athlete will be provided to the Athlete and/or the relevant National Body or National Paralympic Committee;
28.2.2 if the Athlete takes the remedial action to the satisfaction of the Chief Classifier or Head of Classification, the Evaluation Session will be resumed; and
28.2.3 If the Athlete fails to comply and does not take the remedial action within the timeframe specified, the Evaluation Session will be terminated, and the Athlete must be precluded from competing at any Competition until the new Evaluation Session is completed.
28.3 If an Evaluation Session is suspended by a Classification Panel, the Classification Panel may designate the Athlete as Classification Not Completed (C NC) in accordance with Article 10 of these Classification Rules. If there is any doubt as to whether Sport Class Status Review (R) or Classification Not Completed (CNC) should be designated, the Classification Panel may consult the Head of Classification and/or World Para Powerlifting for assistance.
28.4 The suspension of an Evaluation Session may be subject to further investigation into any possible Intentional Misrepresentation.
Part Eight: Medical Review
29 Medical Review
29.1 This Article applies to any Athlete who has been allocated a Sport Class with Sport Class Status Confirmed (C) or Review with Fixed Review Date (FRD).
29.2 A Medical Review Request must be made if a change in the nature or degree of an Athlete's Impairment changes the Athlete's ability to execute the specific tasks and activities required by a sport in a manner that is clearly distinguishable from changes attributable to levels of training, fitness and proficiency.
29.3 A Medical Review Request must be made by the Athlete's National Body or National Paralympic Committee (together with a €100 non-refundable fee and any supporting documentation). The Medical Review Request must explain how and to what extent the Athlete's Impairment has changed and why it is believed that the Athlete's ability to execute the specific tasks and activities required by a sport has changed.
9.4 A Medical Review Request must be received by World Para Powerlifting as soon as reasonably practicable.
29.5 The Head of Classification must decide whether or not the Medical Review Request is upheld as soon as is practicable following receipt of the Medical Review Request.
29.6 Any Athlete or Athlete Support Personnel who becomes aware of such changes outlined in Article 29.2 but fails to draw those to the attention of their National Body, National Paralympic Committee or World Para Powerlifting may be investigated in respect of possible Intentional Misrepresentation.
29.7 If a Medical Review Request is accepted, the Athlete's Sport Class Status will be changed to Review 02) with immediate effect.
29.8 If a Medical Review Request does not include sufficient evidence to explain how and to what extent the Athlete's impairment has changed and why it is believed that the Athlete's ability to execute the specific tasks and activities required by a sport of Para powerlifting has changed, the Medical Review will not be accepted and the Athlete's Sport Class Status will not be changed.
Part Nine: Intentional Misrepresentation
30 Intentional Misrepresentation
30.1 It is a disciplinary offence for an Athlete to intentionally misrepresent (either by act or omission) his skills and/or abilities and/or the degree or nature of Eligible Impairment during Athlete Evaluation and/or at any other point after the allocation of a Sport Class. This disciplinary offence is referred to as 'Intentional Misrepresentation'
30.2 It will be a disciplinary offence for any Athlete or Athlete Support Personnel to assist an Athlete in committing Intentional Misrepresentation or to be in any other way involved in any other type of complicity involving Intentional Misrepresentation, including but not limited to covering up Intentional Misrepresentation or disrupting any part of the Athlete Evaluation process.
30.3 In respect of any allegation relating to Intentional Misrepresentation a hearing will be convened by the IPC to determine whether the Athlete or Athlete Support Personnel has committed Intentional Misrepresentation.
30.4 The consequences to be applied to an Athlete or Athlete Support Personnel who is found to have been guilty of Intentional Misrepresentation and/or complicity involving Intentional Misrepresentation may include one (1) or more of the following:
30.4.1 Disqualification from all events at the Competition at which the Intentional Misrepresentation occurred, and any subsequent Competitions at which the Athlete competed;
30.4.2 Being allocated with Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) and designated a Review with Fixed Review Date (FRD) Sport Class Status for a specified period of time ranging from one (1) to four (4) years;
30.4.3 Suspension from participation in Competitions in all sport for a specified period of time ranging from one (1) to four (4) years; and
30.4.4 Publication of their names and suspension period.
30.5 Any Athlete who is found to have been guilty of Intentional Misrepresentation and/or complicity involving Intentional Misrepresentation on more than one occasion will be allocated Sport Class Not Eligible with Fixed Review Date Status for a period of time from four (4) years to life.
30.6 Any Athlete Support Personnel who is found to have been guilty of Intentional Misrepresentation and/or complicity involving Intentional Misrepresentation of more than one occasion will be suspended from participation in any Competition for a period of time from four (4) years to life.
30.7 If another International Sports Federation brings disciplinary proceedings against an Athlete or Athlete Support Personnel in respect of Intentional Misrepresentation which results in consequences being imposed on that Athlete or Athlete Support Personnel, those consequences will be recognized, respected and enforced by World Pure Powerlifting.
30.8 Any consequences to be applied to teams, which include an Athlete or Athlete Support Personnel who is found to have been guilty of Intentional Misrepresentation and/or complicity involving Intentional Misrepresentation, will be at the discretion of World Para Powerlifting.
30.9 Any disciplinary action taken by World Pam Powerlifting pursuant these Classification Rules must be resolved in accordance with the applicable Board of Appeal of Classification Bylaws.
Part Ten: Use of Athlete Information
31 Classification Data
31.1 World Para Powerlifting may only Process Classification Data if such Classification Data is considered necessary to conduct Classification.
31.2 All Classification Data Processed by World Para Powerlifting must he accurate, complete and kept up-to-date.
32 Consent and Processing
32.1 Subject to Article 32.3, World Para Powerlifting may only Process Classification Data with the consent of the Athlete to whom that Classification Data relates.
32.2 If an Athlete cannot provide consent (for example because the Athlete is a minor) the legal representative, guardian or other designated representative of that Athlete must give consent or their, behalf.
32.3 Word Para Powerlifting may only Process Classification Data without consent of the relevant Athlete if permitted to do so it accordance with National Laws.
33 Classification Research
33.1 World Para Powerlifting may request that an Athlete provide it Information for Research Purposes.
33.2 The use by World Para Powerlifting of Personal Information for Research Purposes must be consistent with these Classification Rules and all applicable ethical use requirements.
33.3 Personal Information that has been provided by an Athlete to World Para Powerlifting solely and exclusively for Research Purposes
33.4 World Para Powerlifting may only use Classification Data for Research Purposes with the express consent of the relevant Athlete. If World Para Powerlifting wishes to publish any Personal Information provided by an Athlete for Research Purposes, it must obtain consent to do so from that Athlete prior to any publication. This restriction does not apply if the publication is anonymized so that it does not identify any Athletes] who consented to the use of their Personal Information.
34 Notification to Athletes
34.1 World Para Powerlifting. must notify Para Powerlifting musts Classification Data as to
34.1.1 That fact that World Para Powerlifting is collecting the Classification Data; and
34.1.2 The purpose for the collection of the Classification Data; and
34.1.3 The duration that the Classification Data will be retained.
35 Classification Data Security
35.1 World Para Powerlifting must:
35.1.1 Protect Classification Data by applying appropriate security safeguards, including physical, organizational, technical and other measures to •event the loss, theft or unauthorized access. destruction, use, modification or disclosure of Classification Data; and
35.1.2 Take reasonable steps to ensure that any other party provided with Classification Data uses that Classification Data in a manner consistent with these Classification Rules.
36 Disclosures of Classification Data
36.1 World ID Classifier may not designate ose Classification Data to other Classification Organizations except where such disclosure is related to Classification conducted by another Classification Organization and/or the disclosure is consistent with applicable National Laws.
36.2 World Para Powerlifting may disclose Classification Data to other parties only if such disclosure is in accordance with these Classification Rules and permitted by National Laws.
37 Retaining Classification Data
37.1 World Para Powerlifting must ensure that Classification Data is only retained for as long as it is needed for the purpose it was collected. If Classification Data is no longer necessary for Classification purposes, it must be deleted. destroyed or permanently anonymized.
37.2 World Para Powerlifting must publish guidelines regarding "retention times in relation to Classification Data.
37.3 World Para Powerlifting must implement policies and procedures that ensure that Classifiers and Classification Personnel retain Classification Data for only as long as is necessary in order for them to carry out their Classification duties in 'elation to an Athlete.
38 Access Rights to Classification Data
38.1 Athletes may request from World Pam Powerlifting:
38.1.1 Confirmation of whether or not World Para Powerlifting Processes Classification Data relating to them personally and a description of the Classification Data that is held;
38.1.2 A copy of the Classification Data held by World Para Powerlifting; and/or
38.1.3 Correction or deletion of the Classification Data held by World Para Powerlifting.
38.2 A request may be made by an Athlete or a National Body or a National Paralympic Committee on an Athletes behalf and must be complied with within a reasonable period of time.
39 Classification Master Lists
39.1 Work Para Powerlifting, must maintain a Classification Mute, List of Athletes, which must include the Athlete's name. gender. year of birth, country. Sport Class and Sport Class Status. The Classification Master List must identify Athletes that enter I PC Games. IPC Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions.
39.2 World Para Powerlifting must make available the Classification Master List to all relevant National Bodies on the World Para Powerlifting website.
Part Eleven: Appeals
40 Appeal
40.1 An Appeal is the process by which a formal objection to how Athlete Evaluation and/or Classification procedures have been conducted is submitted and subsequently resolved.
41 Parties Permitted to Make an Appeal
41.1 An Appeal may only be made by one of the following bodies:
41.1.1 A National Body; or
41.1.2 A National Paralympic Committee.
42 Appeals
42.1 If a National Body or National Paralympic Committee considers there have been procedural errors made in respect of the allocation of a Sport Class and/or Sport Class Status and as a consequence an Athlete has been allocated an incorrect Sport Class or Sport Class Status, it may submit an Appeal.
42.2 The Board of Appeal of Classification BAC} will act as the hearing body for the resolution of Appeals.
42.3 An Appeal must be made and resolved in accordance with the applicable BAC Bylaws.
43 Ad Hoc Provisions Relating to Appeals
43.1 The IPC and/or World Systems, including participation in education and research; and during the Paralympic Games or other Competitions.
Part Twelve: Glossary
Adaptive Equipment: Implements and apparatus adapted to the special needs of Athletes, and used by Athletes during Competition to facilitate participation and/or to achieve results.
Appeals: The means by which a complaint that World Para Powerlifting has made an unfair decision during the Classification process is resolved.
Athlete: For purposes of Classification, any person who participates in sport at the international level (as defined by World Para Powerlifting) or national level (as defined by each National Federation) and any additional person who participates in sport at a lower level if designated by the person's National Federation.
Athlete Evaluation: The process by which an Athlete is assessed in accordance with these Classification Rules in order that an Athlete may be allocated a Sport Class and Sport Class Status.
Athlete Support Personnel: Any coach, trainer, manager, interpreter, agent, team staff, official, medical or para-medical personnel working with or treating Athletes participating in or preparing for training and/or Competition.
BAC: The IPC Board of Appeal of Classification.
Chief Classifier: A classifier appointed by World Para Powerlifting to direct, administer, co-ordinate and implement Classification matters for a specific Competition according to these Classification Rules.
Classification: Grouping Athletes into Sport Classes according to how much their Impairment affects fundamental activities in each specific sport or discipline. This is also referred to as Athlete Classification.
Classification Data: Personal Information and/or sensitive Personal Information provided by an Athlete and/or a National Body and/or any other person to a Classification Organization in connection with Classification.
Classification Intelligence: Information obtained and used by an International Sport Federation in relation to Classification.
Classification Master List: A list made available by World Para Powerlifting that identifies Athletes who have been allocated a Sport Class and designated a Sport Class Status.
Classification Not Completed: The designation applied to an Athlete who has commenced but not completed Athlete Evaluation to the satisfaction of World Para Powerlifting or a Classification Panel.
Classification Organization: Any organization that conducts the process of Athlete Evaluation and allocates Sport Classes and/or holds Classification Data.
Classification Panel: A group of Classifiers, appointed by World Para Powerlifting, to determine Sport Class and Sport Class Status in accordance with these Classification Rules.
Classification Personnel: Persons, including Classifiers, acting with the authority of a Classification Organization in relation to Athlete Evaluation, for example administrative officers.
Classification Rules: Also referred to as Classification Rules and Regulations. The policies, procedures, protocols and descriptions adopted by World Para Powerlifting in connection with Athlete Evaluation.
Classification System: The framework used by World Para Powerlifting to develop and designate Sport Classes within Para powerlifting.
Classifier: A person authorized as an official by World Para Powerlifting to evaluate Athletes as a member of a Classification Panel.
Classifier Certification: The processes by which World Para Powerlifting must assess that a Classifier has met the specific Classifier Competencies required to obtain and maintain certification or licensure.
Classifier Competencies: The qualifications and abilities that World Para Powerlifting deems necessary for a Classifier to be competent to conduct Athlete Evaluation for sport(s) governed by World Para Powerlifting.
Classifier Code of Conduct: The behavioural and ethical standards for Classifiers specified by World Para Powerlifting.
Code: The Athlete Classification Code 2015 together with the International Standards for: Athlete Evaluation; Eligible Impairments; Protests and Appeals; Classifier Personnel and Training; and Classification Data Protection.
Competition: A series of individual events conducted together under one ruling body.
Compliance: The implementation of rules, regulations, policies and processes that adhere to the text, spirit and intent of the Code as defined by the IPC. Where terms such as (but not limited to) 'comply', 'conform' and 'in accordance. are used in the Code they shall have the same meaning as 'Compliance.'
Continuing Education: The delivery of higher knowledge and practical skills specified by World Para Powerlifting to preserve and/or advance knowledge and skills as a Classifier in the sport(s) under its governance.
Diagnostic Information: Medical records and/or any other documentation that enables World Para Powerlifting to assess the existence or otherwise of an Eligible Impairment or Underlying Health Condition
Eligible Impairment: An Impairment designated as being a prerequisite for competing in Para powerlifting, as detailed in these Classification Rules.
Eligibility Assessment Committee: An ad hoc body formed to assess the existence or otherwise of an Eligible Impairment.
Entry Criteria: Standards set by World Para Powerlifting relating to the expertise or experience levels of persons who wish to be Classifiers. This may be, for example, former Athletes or coaches, sports scientists, physical educators and medical professionals, all of whom have the qualifications and abilities relevant to conduct all, or specific parts of, Athlete Evaluation.
Entry-Level Education: The basic knowledge and practical skills specified by World Para Powerlifting to begin as a Classifier in the sport(s) of Para powerlifting.
Evaluation Session: The session an Athlete is required to attend for a Classification Panel to assess that Athlete's compliance with the Minimum Impairment Criteria for a sport; and allocation of a Sport Class and Sport Class Status depending on the extent to which that Athlete is able to execute the specific tasks and activities fundamental to that sport.
Event: A single race, match, game or singular sport contest.
First Appearance: The first time an Athlete competes in an Event during a Competition in a particular Sport Class.
Fixed Review Date: A date set by a Classification Panel prior to which an Athlete designated with a Sport Class Status Review with a Fixed Review Date will not be required to attend an Evaluation Session except for a Medical Review Request and/or Protest.
Head of Classification: A person appointed by World Para Powerlifting to direct, administer, co-ordinate and implement Classification matters for World Para Powerlifting.
Health Condition: A pathology, acute or chronic disease, disorder, injury or trauma.
Impairment: A Physical, Vision or Intellectual Impairment.
Intellectual Impairment: A limitation in intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour as expressed in conceptual, social and practical adaptive skills that originates before the age of eighteen (18).
Intentional Misrepresentation: A deliberate attempt (either by fact or omission) to mislead an International Sport Federation or National Body as to the existence or extent of skills and/or abilities relevant to a Para sport and/or the degree or nature of Eligible Impairment during Athlete Evaluation and/or at any other point after the allocation of a Sport Class.
International Sport Federation: A sport federation Recognized by the IPC as the sole world-wide representative of a sport for Athletes with an Impairment that has been granted the status as a Para sport by the IPC. The IPC and the International Organisations of Sports for the Disabled act as an International Sport Federation for certain sports, including World Para Powerlifting.
International Standards: A document complementing the Code and providing additional technical and operational requirements for Classification.
IPC: International Paralympic Committee.
IPC Competitions: World Para Powerlifting Championships and World Para Powerlifting Regional Championships.
IPC Games: the Paralympic Games and the Parapan American Games.
Maintaining Certification: The advanced training, education and practice necessary for continued competency as a Classifier.
Medical Diagnostics Form: A form that a National Body or National Paralympic Committee must submit in order for an Athlete to undergo Athlete Evaluation, identifying the Athlete's Underlying Health Condition if so required.
Medical Review: The process by which World Para Powerlifting identifies if a change in the nature or degree of an Athlete's Impairment means that some or all of the components of Athlete Evaluation are required to be undertaken in order to ensure that any Sport Class allocated to that Athlete is correct.
Medical Review Request: A request made by a National Body or National Paralympic Committee for Medical Review, made on behalf of an Athlete.
Models of Best Practice: An ad hoc guidance document prepared by the IPC to assist in the implementation of the Code and International Standards.
National Body: Refers to the national member of an International Sport Federation.
National Laws: The national data protection and privacy laws, regulations and policies applicable to a Classification Organization.
National Paralympic Committees: The national member of the IPC who is the sole representative of Athletes with an Impairment in that country or territory. These are the national members of the IPC.
National Protest: A Protest made by a National Body or a National Paralympic Committee in respect of an Athlete under its jurisdiction.
Non-Competition Venue: Any place or location (outside of a Competition, designated by World Para Powerlifting as being a place or location where Athlete Evaluation is made available to Athletes in order that they may be allocated a Sport Class and designated with a Sport Class Status.
Paralympic Games: Umbrella term for both Paralympic Games and Paralympic Winter Games.
Permanent: The term Permanent as used in the Code and International Standards describes an Impairment that is unlikely to be resolved meaning the principle effects are lifelong.
Personal Information: Any information that refers to, or relates directly to, an Athlete.
Physical Impairment: An Impairment that affects an Athlete's biomechanical execution of sporting activities, comprising Ataxia, Athetosis, Hypertonia, Impaired Muscle Power, Impaired Passive Range of Movement, Limb Deficiency, Leg Length Difference and Short Stature.
Process/Processing: The collection, recording, storage, use or disclosure of Personal Infornation and/or sensitive Personal Inforrnation.
Protested Athlete: An Athlete whose Sport Class is being challenged.
Protested Decision: The Sport Class decision being challenged.
Protest Documents: The information provided in the Protest Form together with the Protest Fee.
Protest Fee: The fee prescribed by World Para Powerlifting payable by the National Body or National Paralympic Committee when submitting a Protest.
Protest Form: The form on which a National Protest must be submitted.
Protest: The procedure by which a reasoned objection to an Athlete's Sport Class is submit. and subsequently resolved.
Protest Panel: A Classification Panel appointed by the Chief Classifier to conduct an Evaluation Session as a result of a Protest
Re-certification: The process by which World Para Powerlifting must assess that a Classifier has maintained specific Classifier Competencies.
Research Purposes: Research into matters pertaining to the development of sports within the Paralympic Movement, including the impact of Impairment on the fundamental activities in each specific sport and the impact of assistive technology on such activities.
Signatories: Any organization that accepts the Code and commits to implement it and the International Standards by way of its Classification Rules.
Sport Class: A category for Competition defined by World Para Powerlifting by reference to the extent to which an Athlete can perform the specific tasks and activities required by a sport. Sport
Sport Class Status: A designation applied to a Sport Class to indicate the extent to which an Athlete may be required to undertake Athlete Evaluation and/or be subject to a Protest.
Underlying Health Condition: A Health Condition that may lead to an Eligible Impairment.
Vision Impairment: An Impairment of the eye structure, optical nerves or optical pathways, or visual cortex of the central brain that adversely affects an Athlete's vision.
World Para Powerlifting Approved Competitions: international and national endorsed competitions for the sport of Para powerlifting that have been approved by World Para Powerlifting.
World Para Powerlifting Recognized Competitions: IPC Games, IPC Competitions, World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions and World Para Powerlifting Approved Competitions.
World Para Powerlifting Sanctioned Competitions: World Para Powerlifting World Cups and other World Para Powerlifting international competitions determined by World Para Powerlifting.
Appendix One
Athletes with Physical Impairment
1 Eligible Impairment Types
1.1 World Para Powerlifting offers competitions for Athletes with Physical Impairments and has only one (1) Sport Class (other than Sport Class Not Eligible (NE)
1.2 An Athlete is eligible except for the provisions in these Classification Rules the below criteria:
1.2.1 The Athlete demonstrates one (1) of the Eligible Impairments defined in the below table; and
1.2.2 The Athlete's Eligible Impairment meets the Minimum Impairment Criteria defined in Section 2.
2. 1.3 The following impairments are Eligible Impairments for World Para Powerlifting:
2 Minimum Impairment Criteria
2.1 To be eligible to compete in Para powerlifting, the Athlete's Eligible Impairment must meet one (1) or more of the following Minimum Impairment Criteria:
3 Assessment Methodology
Assessment of Impaired Muscle Power
3.1 Muscle power testing is conducted using the Medical Research Council (MRC'.. scale for muscle testing:
3.1.1 The MRC scale for muscle testing must be uses as shown in Section 3.2 of
Appendix One; and
3.1.2 Each muscle group must be tested through its available range of movement.
3.2 Muscle power must be assessed using the following scale:
3.3 The following ten (10) muscle groups must be tested, each scoring a maximum of five (.5) points:
3.3.1 The maximum score is fifty (50) points per lower limb. or a total of hundred (100) points for both lower limbs combined.
Assessment of Limb Deficiency
3.4 Limb Deficiency as a result of amputation and/o dysmelia must affect the lower limbs as a minimum though the ankle joint with the calcareous missing. If required, an X-ray and accompanying medical report may be requested (as per Article 7.6):
Measurement of Leg Length Difference
3.5 To measure Leg Length Difference the following must be applied:
3.5.1 A flexible measuring tape must be used.
3.5.2 The Athlete must lie supine on a Para powerlifting bench and or medical plinth. The lower limbs must be uncovered to allow measurements to be taken in contact with the skin. And the legs must be passively extended to Mei• fullest extent.
3.6 Measurement must be from the highest point of the anterior superior iliac spite to the mid-point of the medial malleolus. The same method must be used on each limb. If these landmarks we missing, other symmetrical bony landmarks must be used.
3.7 In the case of dysmelia. bone fractures or any other Underlying Health Conditions that result in the shortening of a limb, the Athlete must be assessed for Leg Length Difference.
Assessment of Short Stature
3.8 To assess Short Stature the following must apply:
3.8.1 A stadiometer must be used to measure the standing height of the Athlete in bare feet.
3.8.2 The Athlete's heels, lower back/buttocks and hack of the head must be in contact with the long measuring arm of the stadiometer. The Athlete's eyes must be aligned at the same level with the tragus.
3.8.3 Female Athletes with short stature must have a standing height of less than or equal to 140cm.
3.8.4 Mole Athletes with short stature must have a standing height of less than or equal to 145cm.
Assessment of Hypertonia
3.9 To assess muscle tone, the Ashworth Scale (Ashworth, B. Preliminary trial of carisoprodal in multiple sclerosis. Practitioner. 192:540-542, 1964) as detailed in Section 3.9.2 must be used.
3.9.1 Athletes must score a minimum of grade two (2) in at least one (1) lower limb.
3.9.2 Hypertonia must be assessed using the following scale:
• Grade 0: No increase in tone
• Grade 1: Slight increase in tone giving a "catch" when the limb is flexed or extended
• Grade 2: Mve marked increase in tone, but limb is easily flexed or extended
• Grade 1 Considerable increase in tone with passive movement difficult
• Grade 4: Limb rigid in flexion or extension
3.10 The following assessments for clonus and tendon reflexes may also be used to confirm the Underlying Health Condition.
3.10.1 To test for clonus the Athlete must lie on a Para powerlifting bench or medical plinth. With the knee partially raised the Classifier dorsiflexes the foot quickly and keeps the pressure applied. If clonus is present, then the Athlete's foot will move up and down as a result.
3.10.2 To assess tendon reflexes the Athlete sits or lies in a comfortable position, a reflex hammer must be used to strike the tendon of the test muscle and muscle contraction may be observed and compared on both sides. Abnormally brisk reflexes in the limb in which the tone is increased must be clearly detectable. To test the knee jerk13, L41 the Classifier flexes tie Athlete's knee aid elicits the flexes by tapping just below the patella. To test the ankle jerk (Si) the Classifier flexes, the ankle and elicits the elicits by tapping the Achilles tendon just above the heel.
Assessment of Ataxia and Athetosis
3.11 Athletes who have Ataxia or Athetosis must demonstrate an observable involvement in one or both the lower limbs. To asses Ataxia or Athetosis co-ordination tests including, but not limited to the below are used
3.11.1 Classifier presents his index finger and asks the Athlete to touch it with his toe).
3.11.2 Feel shin test (draw the heel of one leg along the length of the opposite shin, from ankle to knee and then in the reverse direction).
Assessment of Impaired Passive Range of Movement
3.12 To assess the Impaired Passive Range of Movement the Athlete must lie on a Para will review the decision to allocate Sport Class Not Eligible (NE) made by the Protest of Movement in the knee and the hip joint specifically must use the flat surface (Para powerlifting bench) as the baseline reference point for goniometry.
3.13 The centre of the goniometer rust he positioned over the axis of rotation of the joint, and the arms of the goniometer must be aligned with the long axis of the bones of the adjacent segments or to an external reference point. To test the h 20 must CPPIY
3.13.1 The Athlete must lie on a hard surface or treatment couch. with the opposite hip fixed in the anatomical position. The knee on the side being tested (Dust beflexed manually. Classifiers must measure from the lateral midline of the pelvis. The approximate joint axis will be the greater trocanter of the femur.
3.14 To test the knee the following riust apply;
3.14.1 The Athlete must lie on a hard surface or treatment couch, with the passive range of movement being tested by supporting the limb at approximately 45 degrees. The Classifier must Use a goniometer todetcrmine any fixed angle in the Athlete's knee joint; and Use the MRC muscle power test to assess muscle powe, in flexion/extension.
3.15 Ankylosis must be assessed by .manual testing of the affected joints: ankle, knee, hip) in any position.
3.16 To confirm the presence of scoliosis Athletes must attend Classification with an X-ray and al accompanying medical report that the Classification Panel must review to confirm sixty (60) degrees measured with the Cobb Method.
3.17 To assess the active range of movement at the elbow the following must apply;
3.17.1 The active range of motion (flexion-extension) at the elbow must he determined by having the Athlete extend the arm away from the body at shoulder height palm upwards in the anatomical position. The elbow angle Para Powerlifting has goniometry using the established anatomical landmarks: (11 the superior aspect of the acromion; (2) the lateral epicondyle of the numerus; and (3) the radial styloid process. The "true angle" must be defined as the landmark joint angle minus 11 degrees.
Appendix Two
1 Non-Eligible Impairment Types for all Athletes
Examples of Non-Eligible Impairments include. but are not limited to the following:
• Vision Impairment;
•Intellectual Impairment;
• Pain;
•Hearing Impairment;
• Low muscle tone;
• Hypermobility of joints;
• Joint instability. such as unstable shoulder joint, recurrent dislocation of a joint;
• Impaired muscle endurance;
•Impaired motor reflex functions;
• Impaired cardiovascular functions:
•Impaired respiratory functions;
• Impairment metabolic functions; and
•Tics and mannerisms, stereotypes aid motor perseveration.
2 Health Conditions that are not Underlying Health Conditions for all Athletes
A number of Health Conditions do not lead to an Eligible Impairment and are not Underlying Health Conditions. An Athlete who has a Health Condition (including, but not limited to. one of the Health Conditions listed in the above Appendices but who does not have an Underlying Health Condition will not be eligible to compete in Para sport.
Health Conditions that primarily cause pain; primarily cause fatigue: primarily cause joint hypermobility or hypotonia; or are primarily psychological or psychosomatic in nature do not lead to an Eligible Impairment.
Examples of Health Conditions that primarily cause pain include myofacial pain-dysfunction syndrome, fibromyalgia or complex regional pain syndrome.
An example of a Health Condition that primarily causes fatigue is chronic fatigue syndrome. An example of a Health Condition that primarily causes hypermobility or hypotonia is Ehlers Danlos syndrome.
Examples of Health Conditions that are primarily psychological or psychosomatic in nature include conversion disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder.